UPDATE: Another GOPe Fizzle

The C-Span Video is here. Their embed code doesn’t work. Figures.

Last week, IPR posted some questions about a Republican Hill staffer (Emeritus) who published an Op-Ed declaring that the Mueller Report Volume II wish list contained valid grounds for impeachment of the President.

Google took note of him. Plenty.

Nobody else did. That’s the update. I kept an eye out for responses from the pro-Trump side of the aisle. There were none. The fact of a Republican (so-called) turncoat didn’t make even a blip on the big screen of the Internet. Nobody who mattes cares. A nonentity is a nonentity is a nonentity.

Typical Dumbass GOPe chicanery. At least they have deniability. Like the way they stare off into the horizon when somebody asks them what they did to rein in the truly treasonous president who preceded Trump and the treasonous witch who ran against him. Which was nothing. So far, even this long after the fact, effectively nothing.

Nothing. What does GOPe nothingness look and sound like? Watch the C-Span video up top, or as much of it as you can stand. They are pleased that we don’t notice how much nothing they have perpetrated as they enrich themselves from the public coffers. McConnell. McCain. McRomney. McFerret. All the same. McNothing.

In sum, another blank bullet dodged. As you were.


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