The InstaPunk Great Man Series: Words to Live By

Quite the fellow, Robert De Niro. Just ask him. He knows what to do. Why we feel obliged to honor his contributions thus:

Who is the short, dank stranger there?
De Niro is the name.
Chasing his tail to who knows where,
“F#%k” is his dominion,
Dissemblin’ is his game,
Cool as a pimple on your ass.
De Niro is the name.
Foul as the blood of carrion,
Bloating up a moron,
Impossible to shame.

Hollywood, ring your bell,
Born in Hell, T. Bickel,
“F#%k” the only answer he can find.
From Brooklyn and lowly Queens,
Spewing filth in low latrines,
De Niro is a legend in his mind.

Hollywood, smell that smell,
Eating sh*t, T. Bickel,
“F#%k” the only scripture you can find.
From Brooklyn to a$$hole Queens,
Sh*tting pus in Dem latrines,
De Niro is a ‘f#%ker’ of dull minds.

And if you need it, here’s the tune to sing it to:


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