Buttigieg Accused of Stealing Cheap Political Trick from Fellow Harvard Grad

Everyone has seen the photo up top of the tender kiss exchanged between Pete Buttigieg and his husband, Chasten(?) Something, during his presidential candidacy announcement. They may not have heard some of the dark muttering from the Trump camp that this was actually a cheap campaign trick swiped from the 2000 Dem candidate Al Gore. He and his husband wife Tipper put on a remarkably similar display at the Democratic Convention that year.

The mainstream press luv-luv-luvved it. Pretty much like they sorta luv-luvved Buttigigg’s smackeroo with Chasten(?) Something.

If this was a stunt, as the photographic evidence would seem to prove, what advantage is Buttigieg expecting to gain from his over-the-top Gore-esque showboating? Not hard to figure. Same old same old.

The Democrats are already making hay out of the attention Buttigieg is attracting from bigoted white conservatives who have always hated gays almost as much as they hate Harvard (for mostly the same reasons). All publicity is good publicity. That new Harvard guy in the Dem hunt, Seth Moulton, would kill probably kill for an article like this one, which is called The Judgmental, Tyrannical Buttigieg and starts with a Big Bang intro:

“South Bend, Indiana Mayor Peter Buttigieg has roared into the spotlight since he flirted—then announced—his presidential bid. He checks off an interesting set of identity political markers: young, gay, but also a white Mid-westerner who might, just might, appeal to the still important white, male, blue collar voting bloc, the one which propelled Trump from reality TV outsider to White House insider. “Make the Midwest Gay, Left-Leaning, Democratic!” is the silent mantra of the radical Democratic Party.

Buttigieg announced his homosexual leanings to his fellow residents in 2015. He had become a superstar in Democratic circles much earlier than that. In 2012, he was elected the youngest mayor of a major city in the nation’s history. This development was all the more stunning, since he was an openly gay elected official in a very conservative state.He’s the latest media darling, naturally.

Recent articles highlighted that in high school, he was voted most likely to be (or run for?) President. Whoopee! A more measured response? “Who cares?” At this point, the corrupted, sclerotic, yet still-struggling-to-stay relevant mainstream media are propping up another wunderkind candidate, the “White Gay Obama.”

Think about it. Who could possibly have more “appeal to the still important white, male, blue collar voting bloc” than a Harvard grad Rhodes Scholar? How does gay play into this?  Not as a negative certainly. Everybody loves gays now, and in Buttigieg’s case think of it as poof of his Harvard credentials, since everybody always knew that Gore was really a closeted swish with those gestures and that accent. The Rhodes Scholar thing too. Think Rachel Maddow. This is all electoral gold in Blue-Collar-Dem Land.

Easy to see why the GOP should be concerned about losing the gay, white, Harvard Manbearpig vote.

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