Today’s News — 4/1/2019

Today’s Hot Headlines

Formula 1 News: Ferrari Does Not Win Bahrain Grand Prix, Brit Sportscasters Mourn

New York Times: Trump, Putin, and a Possible ‘Red-Line Moment’ in Venezuela

U.S. News: Ocasio-Cortez Thinks 22nd Amendment Kept FDR from Running Again in 1948

PJ Media: Activist Judge Throws Out Trump Executive Order, Restores Obama Drilling Ban

American Greatness: A Russia Hoax Rant via the Roman Republic

The Balow Star: Tabloid Wins Award for Best Front Page Pic

American Thinker: Democrats, the Media, and the Big Lie

New York Post: Biden’s Dem Rivals Are Leaving Him Out to Dry

Youtube: John McCain Revives His Hard Line on Immigration Reform

MRC: Annual Lifetime Achievement Awards Once Again Dominated by FoxXOFF News

Rich Lowry: The Sad Surprise End to Rachel Maddow’s Mueller Report Conspiracy Quest

SBS News: Courageous Coverage Of Another Looming Crisis in Juvenile Health


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