It’s Called a Rhombicosidodecahedron.

I’ve been learning of late about the limitations of this Blogger software, which runs out of gas after a few paragraphs and can’t handle many links or drawings or videos, all of which I’ve done by the thousands or dozens in other venues as the writing required. I’ve also been learning because I’m trying to decide if I have one year left or twenty as a writer. One if I’m really done with all the fakers and nihilists and toy soldiers. Twenty if I can beat the odds and wring one more important work out of these old bones.

The problem has always been slowing my mind down. It operates at all levels. Including the vulgar, comic, and slapstick level. The mind of a mind like mine never ever ever stops. It’s exhausting and supposedly life shortening. Why the best doctors prescribe abundant alcohol well into the eighties. I have gone off my meds from time to time over the years. Why there’s Shuteye Town 1999 and the curiously rambling voice of The Boomer Bible, which sharpens into a mamba strike when it wants to. Also the political polemical Beirceian level, which is why there’s Shuteye Nation and 20 years of blogs. And the beat-hell-out-of-all Modern Lit and Poetry level while providing my own superior version, which is why there’s Punk City. Together they’re Spilt Ink. The only thing new in English Literature since the costly academic failure called Finnegan’s Wake.

Just saw a Netflix TV Series called Lucifer. Rings a bell. It makes things simpler for presenting my most signal single work. Wrote a book for people who are dead or in care now called Why Is There a Boomer Bible? Not necessary. The Lucifer character struck a chord. The main character of The Boomer Bible is Harry. He is Lucifer, Light Bearer to the Baby Boomers. The whole book is him, whose head I got inside of, which probably makes me the Devil.

A great (and easy) way to look at TBB is as a monstrous satirical novel, the intervention by Lucifer in The Baby Boom generation to help them make an actual religion out of ignorance, incuriosity, and selfishness. The Past Testament and the Present Testament are the mind, the education, the understanding — and the actions — of the Luciferian character called Harry. The Book of Harrier Brayer is the codification of his Word as religion.Only Punk City and InstaPunk offer the chance of a radically different view: the Book of Andrew (Punk City) the Psongs Of Harry, and The Man In White. All you need. The Great American Novel writ red, white, and blue style.

Hard to work out, I guess. That a whole trilogy about punks would use an 880-page book as a maguffin in a story about a maybe divine guy whose actual meaning to the story doesn’t become clear until you stumble on Epiphany Ship I (Punk City) the greatest poem written in the twentieth century, where through a medley of poetic voices including T.S. Eliot, Tom Wolfe, John Cheever, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge you learn how and why a great American writer died for love of a femme fatale called Alice Hate and learned in the process why Harry and his own approach to writing were dead wrong. Odd, right, for a literate 20th century Canadian reviewer (C of E?) never to suspect there was anything more going on in a book he dismissed as “impressively empty-headed.” But TBB knew he was coming. It was part of the satire. which was a double satire actually—joke on the half-educated critics who could never see the giant joke played on a century of ‘serious’ writers who thought vignettes and stream of consciousness hid their lack of meaning and structure. Why the NYT announced they would never review it. Their reviews become part of the record. No accounting for the ones that make you look a fool.

You probably want to know about the video up top. Unless you don’t. Some other organization schemes of TBB are just as meticulously laid out, including the Book of Harrier Brayer , Numerology, and the Tarot (“Punk City Papers,” Punk City), but this one seems like a bolt out of the blue. The Archimedes Solids, a range of polyhedrons from small to way too big, key component of the Ancient Greek cosmology we used to learn about in school. The Rhombicosidodecahedron is the largest one on Archimedes list. Apparently it stands in for the whole. It has 62 sides, equaling the number of books of the Past and Present Testaments and the Book of Harrier Brayer. In our model the much smaller dodecahedron stands in for the Punk Testament’s Twelve books, which underpins the great testaments by virtue of being their author and never referred to by them in the Intercolumn reference.

Guess you know I could go on. I’ll stop here. With this teaser. No, I didn’t know The Boomer Bible was a Rhombicosidodecahedron when I started. I knew it was a Tarot deck. I knew it was a year of the Christian Calendar. I knew it revered numbers the exact same way Dante’s Divine Comedy did. I knew that I had in the process of writing it created my own sacred TBB numbers: 3, 4, 5, 9, 19, 21, 22, 27, 52, 56, 66, 78, 100/10/1, and more. I knew that if I wrote a whole in so many different organizational schemes, it would force me to be thorough and it might force the universe to play ball with my conception. It did. The video up top is an artifact of that bet, that faith. (Worth acknowledging that the word ”rhombicosidodecahedron” has 22 letters.) So is the incontrovertible fact that the three testaments Of The Boomer Bible total 2001 chapters.


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