Today’s News — 4/22/2019

Today’s Hot Headlines

New York Post: 290 Dead—Islamist Terrorist Group Blamed for Sri Lanka Bombings

Red State: What Is the One Word Prominent Democrats Won’t Use in Describing Church Bombings?

Newsweek: Christian Persecution and Genocide Worse Now Than “Any Time in History”

Wall Street Journal: ***Holman Jenkins—Can the Media Survive Mueller?

NBC News: Mueller Report Obstruction Section Suggest Trump Would Have Been Indicted If Not POTUS

Las Vegas Review-Journal: Debra J. Saunders—Saluting the Heroes in the Mueller Report    [FB Intro]

Breitbart: John Nolte—15 Ways the Mueller Report Proves Trump Did Not Obstruct Justice

American Spectator: Clarice Feldman—Things the Media Ignored in the Mueller Report

Boston Herald: [Another Harvard Guy] Joins Democratic Race for 2020 Presidential Nomination Judgmental, Tyrannical Buttigieg

Washington Examiner: Pete Buttigieg’s Father Was a Marxist Professor Who Lauded the Communist Manifesto

Babylon Bee: [NON-HARVARD] White Guys Announce 2020 Presidential Race

Ed. Note: If you’re a new or occasional visitor here, you might find this link rewarding.


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