A Portfolio of Selected Shuteye Town 1999 Illustrations


This is just a fractional percentage of  well over 3,000 graphics created for the multimedia work ST99, which also contains a couple hundred thousands words of text in various contexts. As with other works that are in some hostage to unpredictable Internet resources, I’m trying to save a critical mass (meaning as much as possible) of my electronic work as I can before I die or the world does.

Take a look. A Shuteye Town Portfolio. When they take you to the file, there will be a tech-looking sidebar to the left. To get to a plain full page view of the file contents, just click touch any content on the page and the sidebar will disappear. When you’ve finished looking at the file, click on the prompt in the in the upper left of the screen to return to your browser, which will bring you back to Instapunk Returns.

Thanks for playing. That’s the standard end note we give people who have been wandering in Shuteye Town 1999, online at another site. 


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