A Potpourri of Americana

Doing a news headline series is demanding and frustrating. You can’t truly cover the waterfront, but you have to try. That means you can’t load up on too many items from one source on any given day. The result is a lot of good stuff left on the cutting room floor. That’s why it’s good to break the rules from time to time — an old habit of ours — and go a little deeper into one vein or another when the cutting room floor starts rustling like an angry newspaper. Herewith, some articles from three sites that proudly proclaim their Americanness in their names. No comments from us, just links to some recent articles that should be read in full:

American Thinker

The Left’s Overreach On Abortion

Huge Victory for Genuine Scientific Theory On Abortion

American Spectator

Candace Owens Nukes Nadler’s Hate Crime Hearing

France’s Failure

American Greatness

How Trump Masterfully Frames the Ilhan Omar Debate

Horse Tribes, Beehives, and the American Dream

Think of this as the InstaPunk Un-Fairness Doctrine. Unfair in two ways. First because it doesn’t go beating the bushes looking for opposing views; they’re easily found throughout the MSM and aren’t necessary here. Second because these writers are smarter, think better, and write a great deal better than anything the left has to put up against them. Unfairness happens to be the nature of things. Why the Unfair-In-Charge work so hard to make their own biases into doctrines. Well, everyone’s free to play that game their own way. This is ours.


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