True Colors

Jeffrey S. Malashock has done some heartfelt whistleblowing in a recent comment on someone else’s FB page. The poster wanted to know why Jews keep voting Democrat in the current bizarrely ant-Semitic leftist environment. Here was the answer:

“Most American Jews are Jews in name only. They’re Jewish like cultural Catholics who are active pro abortion advocates, except a majority are now a generation or two remote from Jewish ethnic-national identity or culture. I’ve seen with Catholic friends who seem to no longer practice the religion, who are still nonetheless attached to Catholic Irish or Italian culture and ethnic identity. There are Jews who are are attached to their ethnic identity similarly, but the large majority are now largely assimilated or in the process of disappearing. Only a minority of American Jews belong to any Jewish organization, and of that approximately 47 percent who do, only half actively are engaged in anything related to community life or religious practice.

“Orthodox Jews are in the midst of a population explosion as the unaffiliated secular Jews along with those who are members of the liberal religious denominations known as ‘Conservative’ or ‘Reform’ are in the midst of a demographic collapse, however the Orthodox are only 13 percent of the total. For many non orthodox Jews, there’s been a matching of Jewish concepts like “Tikkun Olam” or “fixing the world”, or “welcome the stranger”, or “Justice Justice shalt thou pursue” to mean things unrelated to anything they meant before when they were moral concepts or guidelines, or spiritual abstractions, and their association with multiple ideas from the policy agenda of the left.

If you favor other policies, or point out that those ideas aren’t specifically “health care,” as one example, as defined by someone’s specific legislation and someone else’s isn’t “murder” because someone one doesn’t like it or is from the wrong party proposed it. But, those associations — as associated with the left agenda — are to some degree the new religion in the context of being fighters for “social justice,” as defined by a certain agenda when matched with the slogans which make it all sound “Jewish” somehow to completely ignorant and Jewishly uneducated Jews.”

Mr. Malashock is not pleased. Nor should he be. Personally, I think he’s oversimplified the problem a bit (well, a LOT actually), but it is only a comment, not a philosophical essay. I’m working on one of those myself, but it won’t be happening today.


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