Today’s News — 3/26/2019

Today’s Hot Headlines

American Greatness: The Mueller Dud

FTA: “While the Mueller investigation was built on a foundation of lies and constituted an appalling use of our legal and justice system to litigate policy differences, it did have a silver lining: it showed how corrupt the Justice Department and FBI were under Obama. It showed the process of obtaining warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is in dire need of reform. It showed that we have a bifurcated legal system and that equal application of the law is a farce. It showed that beyond a shadow of a doubt we have many in the mainstream media who aren’t reporters or journalists; they’re just political operatives masquerading as such. We’ve seen the media annihilate whatever reputation it had left because of their loathing of Trump.”

PJ Media: The Age Of Monochromatic Late Night Humor 

Power Line: NPR Interviews a Republican About Mueller Report!

Front Page Magazine: The Fallout from the Mueller Report

The Federalist: WATCH! Cable News Anchors Melt Down Over Mueller Findings

Time Magazine: ‘Change Is Closer Than We Think,’ AOC’s Unlikely Rise

Hot Air: Today’s Green New Deal Vote is Going to Be Spectacular

Desmoines Register: Iowa Caucus Fatigue?

New York Times: House Democrats to Unveil Plan to Expand Health Coverage

CNN: AIRBUS Lands Massive Deal with China as Boeing Battles 737 Max Crisis


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