Today’s News — 3/19/2019

Today’s Hot Headlines

Zero Hedge: Boeing/FAA Saga is a Perfect Microcosm Of Our “Twisted, Broken Culture”

American Greatness: How a McCain Associate Helped Advance the Russian Collusion Narrative

Hollywood Insider: Warner CEO Kevin Tsujihara to Exit as Studio Chief

Business Insider: How Elizabeth Holmes Convinced Powerful Men onto Theranos Board

Washington Times: Supreme Court Upholds ICE Detention Without Bail

New York Times: How California’s Biggest Utility Overlooked Wildfire Risks [Keep scrolling]

Hot Air: Baltimore Mayor Resigns from Board that Paid Her $500K for Books

MSNBC: How Jared and Ivanka Might Be More Dangerous than Trump

Vogue: Opening of Gender Bending Fashion Show at Boston Museum Of Fine Arts

LA Times: Why Do Republicans Still Back Trump? [Subject of Today’s News Spotlight below]


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