Today’s News — 3/17/2019

Top Headlines of the Day

American Thinker: A Tale Of Two Americas in 1969 — Apollo 11 and Woodstock

“Woodstock was just another manifestation of what Nietzsche called the Transvaluation Of Values, which came to be known as moral inversion. Simply defined, this is when good becomes bad and bad becomes good. Modern liberalism embodies moral inversion as an ideology that has promoted and continues to promote the slow-motion slippery-slope destruction of any sense of sacrifice, where the siren song of the world is to follow one's heart and passion. This is nothing other than giving license to do what one pleases, even though the destructive consequences are all too common.”

Powerline: The Champs Elysées Becomes War Zone Again

New York Post: Trump Attacks MCain Over Russia Dossier

The People’s Cube: Fresh New Faces Of the Democrat Party

This Day in History: St. Patrick Dies

The Washington Post: U.S. and Boeing have long had a special relationship 

Business Insider: Founder of Fla massage parlor chain orchestrated donations to Trump

Vanity Fair: The Great College-Admissions Scam and the Real Cost Of Entry

The NY Daily News: The Best Irish Pubs in America

Philadelphia Inquirer: Jeanine Pirro off Fox News after anti-Muslim comments

PHOTO BONUS: Vanity Fair Oscar Party Showcases the Stars


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