Harriet Lublin posted this at FB:

“Betsy Gorisch: We are rapidly advancing deeper into a post-law, post-constitutional era. A conservative friend was lamenting over the progression of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), and how it will affect future elections, bypassing the Electoral College. Twelve states have already enacted NPVIC into law, possessing 172 electoral votes. Colorado will soon become the thirteenth state. If you believe this push is just a Democrat thing, you would be wrong. More than twenty Michigan Republican lawmakers traveled to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and other vacation spots in the past two years, where they attended seminars sponsored by a California group pushing to change how Michigan awards its electoral votes for president. Michigan Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis, was listed in 2016 as the organization’s vice president. The group reported paying Anuzis $120,000 in its tax filing that year. The National Popular Vote, meanwhile, paid a reported $120,000 to Coast-to-Coast Strategies, an Anuzis firm, on its 2016 tax filing.

Many conservatives are hoping that SCOTUS will step in and stop this "unconstitutional" usurpation. What constitution? I replied. It is not even a speed bump in our modern body politic. Conservatives, for the most part, just don't get it. They still believe we can defeat the Left's progressive political machine through using the law. This kind of naive thinking is one of the big reasons why conservatives get their collective arses kicked by the far superior, savvy progressive machine. As my Reagan Administration friend, Mark Kreslins said, "If you can't tip your hat at evil, and appreciate just how clever evil is and how successful they have been at changing our culture, you really should sit in the stands and pray; you’re not ready for the fight before us. I didn't say endorse or celebrate evil, so don't jump all over me. But you need to have the ability to discern it, and the resources to combat it. Because if you don't, you're going to get out-flanked every time."

—Demetri Antonis, via Jan Farris”

I added the boldface to highlight the real naïve thinking on display here. Even now, progressives can’t win by just showing up. What Constitution? The one no one will be able to kick out of the driver’s seat the first time a virtual Super State tries to cast electoral votes that disenfranchise voters in constitutionally recognized individual states. There’s no need for thickets of legal mumbo jumbo here, though they will arise like brambles around this topic, of course. The court’s long loyalty to precedent will carry the day in the end, however the mumbo jumbo is tricked out. A U.S. Supreme Court with a conservative majority simply will not allow an election to be stolen in this way. They hold all the cards. They determine who has standing to sue. They are the last word on matters of U. S. law, and no amount of “far superior savvy” by the Left’s progressive machine can defeat them. What they rule in such a case becomes the fact of that case. Period. But by all means amuse yourselves by running around shrieking and chewing the curtains. As for the rest of you, go back to whatever it is you were doing before.


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