Boomlet Detector - Warren

Beto seems to be taking some early lumps, and Unka Joe isn’t exactly setting the world on fire, so the tireless Hillary campaigners appear to be trying to start a boomlet for Elizabeth Warren. Jennifer Rubin has a laudatory column about her in the Washington Post today, although thanks to the shrewdly conceived WAPO pay wall, the indifferent and barely interested will never get to read anything of it but the bold headline Elizabeth Warren has done her homework. Why hasn’t anybody else?

Others have been slow to get behind her because of the career-making lie she told universities about her Native American ancestry, which doesn’t exist, as verified in triplicate by DNA tests she commissioned herself.

This isn’t what they should be worried about. I have another test to demonstrate the real problem. First, though, I’ll give you a hint by showing you a screen cap [click to enlarge] of a Google Search response to a simple question:

Not only is there no link to anything like an answer, there’s no acknowledgment that there’s even a question to answer. Lefties assume EVERYONE has been following her phony ethnicity scandal as intently as they were. But they weren’t. They don’t care. They don’t know who she is, and I can prove it. Print out a paper copy of the photo up top and start showing it around with the question, “Do you know who this is?” They won’t. Which is not a good sign, because the Big Lie About being a Native American was pretty funny given her blah white bread appearance. The fact that even Trump’s jokes about her haven’t made her famous means she is not celebrity material. She’s just another 70-year-old white woman with dyed blonde hair and nothing at all interesting in her eyes or face. Completely forgettable. She’s not even a good target for caricature. “Is that Laura Bush maybe?”

Here endeth the Warren campaign.


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