The Liar's Chair 1

This won’t be the last word but the first. Debra Heine at PJ Media has done the heavy lifting and assembled a list of the worst malefactors during the Mueller Investigation. Here’s a link to the article (slow to load due to length and age) which is called 50+ Journalists, Politicians, Celebrities, and Grifters Who Peddled the Russian Collusion Hoax.

The title is long. So is the article. Here’s the intro:

“In 2016, corrupt Democrat partisans both in and out of government, along with their allies in the media, were desperate to stop the Trump juggernaut and used every tool at their disposal to do it. The effort started with opposition research funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Then several versions of former British spy Christopher Steele's anti-Trump dossier were delivered to the FBI, each from a different messenger: the late Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), Mother Jones reporter David Corn, and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson. Then the FBI counterintelligence investigation began and subsequent FISA warrants were secured, citing a Yahoo News article that was based on the sketchy dossier. Finally, Mueller was called in to finish the job in May of 2017 and hopefully deliver the death blow to the new president. But "Mueller Time" arrived, and it didn't deliver the coup de grace to President Trump that Democrats and their allies in the media were hoping for. In fact, it did the opposite. It has delivered the coup de grace to Trump's nemesis -- the Russia-obsessed media. How many Americans are now looking at the media with a mixture of pity, disgust, and suspicion after being forced to listen to them caterwauling about Russia! Russia! Russia! for three long years? And how many Americans who believed every word of it are now having trouble processing the "disappointing" truth that our president is not "Putin's Puppet"?” 

From there, the article proceeds not only to names names but also to provide specifics of the lies and smears and phony predictions made by individuals. We all know what happens in the scheme of things when there’s a long published piece like this. People link it on Facebook, others read (or more often scan it), and then it slides away on the Newsfeed into the past. PJ Media will keep it online, but through time the addition of new articles will make it harder to find. That shouldn’t be allowed to happen here. We must not forget who these people are or what they have done. They can never be trusted and should never be forgiven or looked to for their perspectives or opinions on anything again. They are liars. And this is where we will keep track of them.

This post is the launch of what will be a series of posts triggered by the future public utterances and actions of these people. There is a new InstaPunk Returns Page (see Menu in future) where you can always find links to the original article, this post, and its successors. We also ask you to add this post to your Bookmarks or Favorites under the title “Liar’s Chair.”

InstaPunk Returns will be keeping tabs on the people listed in the article. When they do something new and egregious, we’ll post a mention of it here or at FB and hopefully a link so you can comment where appropriate and remind others of what they should be remembering. This won’t be a daily feature but an intermittent one we hope you look for over time. The first step, of course, is to read the entire PJ Media article so that the names there will be in your head when you run across them again. We’ll leave you to that now.


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