Take a look at who’s behind the destruction of America…


What’s really waiting in their Trojan Horse’s belly?

Never done this before… Direct links to 10+ months of all of the posts at Instapunk.com. I knew who this guy was, said so before anyone, and predicted exactly how dangerous he would become. An occasional poster in these links, alias of Brizoni, assembled a book from these (and many more, through the laughably tragic 2012 campaign) called The Indictment: An Obama Diary. The links in blue are representative only of the nauseating First 100 Days. Read them last unless you’d rather start with a laugh than a tear. The ones to read first are the ones in red, last one first. Each link is a week’s worth of posts. Did this for 10 years all told. This is a true diary. Not everything is about Obama, although there’s usually a point of relevance. It’s authentic because it’s not corrected or gussied up after the fact. It’s not all rants. It’s got plenty of humor and asides, but that’s why it’s a real picture of the time between February 2008 and November 2008, when the wholesale destruction of our country we see going on now began. Back then, I thought we might have a chance to prevent the worst foreseeable outcome. I did not think we were so weak, complacent, and inert as a populace that we would allow him to follow his two terms with a two-term malignant shadow government designed to destroy everything intrinsic to the American nation. I knew the danger; I just did not comprehend the degree of rot in our institutions to the extent I do now. I knew how evil Hillary was. I knew how fanatically demonic Obama was as a biracial fraud determined to become the convert general of a racial crusade he wasn’t actually born into. Converts are always the most rigid and ruthless tyrants of any religion. Obama is the American Cromwell. Just far less brave and far more sneaky and corrupt.

I know you won’t read this. You never do. Or at least you never tell me you do. The one thing you might bear in mind is that the 10 years of Instapunk.com is sitting on the Wayback Machine, and through time more and more of the graphics are slipping away into the ether. It’s not true that the Internet is forever. No more than you and I are.

One final point. For Lisa. This is my Berlin Diary of the beginning of the end of America. More true and honest and still relevant than anything you have ever written. Fortunately, the book, which is becoming a collector’s item (some copies offered for $49.90), is still in existence, on paper, as all the old dying ones insist they must be.


Honest Obe
Mostly (but not all) About Media
The Obamascension
Agent 009
Escaping Obama
Money Talks (2007)


November 7, 2008 - October 31, 2008 (Not my President)
October 30, 2008 - October 23, 2008
October 22, 2008 - October 15, 2008
October 14, 2008 - October 7, 2008
October 6, 2008 - September 29, 2008
September 28, 2008 - September 21, 2008
September 20, 2008 - September 13, 2008
September 12, 2008 - September 5, 2008
September 4, 2008 - August 28, 2008
August 27, 2008 - August 20, 2008
August 19, 2008 - August 12, 2008
August 11, 2008 - August 4, 2008
August 3, 2008 - July 27, 2008
July 26, 2008 - July 19, 2008
July 18, 2008 - July 11, 2008
July 10, 2008 - July 3, 2008
July 2, 2008 - June 25, 2008
June 24, 2008 - June 17, 2008
June 16, 2008 - June 9, 2008
June 8, 2008 - June 1, 2008
May 31, 2008 - May 24, 2008
May 23, 2008 - May 16, 2008
May 15, 2008 - May 8, 2008
May 7, 2008 - April 30, 2008
April 29, 2008 - April 22, 2008
April 21, 2008 - April 14, 2008
April 13, 2008 - April 6, 2008
April 5, 2008 - March 29, 2008
March 28, 2008 - March 21, 2008
March 20, 2008 - March 13, 2008
March 12, 2008 - March 4, 2008
March 3, 2008 - February 25, 2008

Click the pic for the book… And by all 
means, DO take that look inside. The 
first post is called “Death of America,”
written in 2007, before everything here.


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