Some Hopefully Welcome Diversions from Campaign Madness

Shuteye Town is a very big place. Three different subways.

It’s election season, I know, and everyone’s telling you that you must be out there working for the Red Wave. True. But all the media chatter can get depressing, whether it’s the iniquitous left or our own echo chambers. Everyone’s in a dither.

Staying calm can be helped by useful diversions. I have three for you today, thanks to an addition to this site’s functionality. I have three short books for you in PDF files that are a cinch to open, you can reach them by clicking on the menu icon at the top left of the Main Page (The arrow at Top Left of this post will take you there.) Just scroll down the menu list till you see Page Content. There are three titles there:

1) The Newspaper Op-Eds of Shuteye Nation

2) A is for Automobiles (from the original Instapunk website, 2004-2014)

3) A Portfolio of Selected Illustrations from Shuteye Town 1999

They’re all looks at the past from the hopefully humorous distance of 2022. BUT all three are also rife with election controversies, media making fools of themselves, Democrats behaving as badly as ever while RINOs sit on their complacent hands in the wings, and everyone else is doing the best they can, mostly. It’s just that many of the players in these pieces, not all thoughare different. With any luck you’ll find them amusing.

Where to start? I would definitely start with Shuteye Town. It’s all pictures and should be good for few laughs and some sadly uncomfortable recognition of stuff we still see everywhere today.

My two cents.

Now get back to work on throwing the bums out.



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