Odd New Internet Group: Let’s Go Brandon for RINOs

Have you ever been rejected for admission to an organization you never applied to? A few weeks ago I was rejected for attendance at a dinner for Kari Lake because I wasn’t a member of their sponsoring group. I had never asked for a dinner invite, and I had never applied for admission to their group. Funny stuff. Which must have been the reason I was was subsequently notified that my request for admission to the group had been declined. Funny stuff.

Now it’s happened again in what feels like a slapstick comedy routine.I was notified I needed to answer some questions before my request to be admitted to ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ could be accepted. Having never made such a request or even heard to the group, I went where directed by the notification and was informed of this:

Nice framing of the notice.Very official looking.

Invited to review the standards I had failed to meet in my phantom application for acceptance, I found this:

Well, okay, then. For that kind of haughty censorship I can stay home at Facebook.

I’m reminded of a famous quote by Groucho Marx.

Why he’s still an icon and any critics he had are long forgotten.

 Some other group of eager conservative activities have sent me another summons to answer questions concerning a membership application I never made. I answered their question, which made me wonder how they knew about me in the first place, since they clearly knew nothing about me or my work.

And so the hilarity of life in the social networks continues…


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