Remembering the original Boomer Bible website (199X - 2007)

I don’t actually know when the site first went up. It happened during a transitional period in my life when I didn’t have regular Internet access. Obviously, I didn’t create it. The book’s fans did it, contributing computer code and frequently updated content well before one of the site’s founders let me in on the project. I did contribute thereafter, both content and conversation, the latter enabled by a ‘Boomer Bible Forum’ created at the Delphi Forums application. The site continued operational during and after my development of the multimedia CD release titled Shuteye Town 1999, which was the source of a great deal of discussion and debate, like the TBB itself. Eventually I moved on to other major projects and the site was quietly retired to the Wayback Machine, where it still resides.

The Welcome Page of the Boomer Bible website. The links here and on all other site pages mostly work, though the deeper you go from link to link the harder it can become to get to where you started.


The site is in remarkably good shape overall despite the scent of mothballs that always oozes from the stern Archive headers. But all Archives are like that. They also tend to be slower to load linked files than the original platforms were, and a little more spontaneous in their ordering of material because been built incrementally through time. That’s why we’re including a breakout section here. What’s linked here is also working at the Archive site, but perhaps not with a level of explanation Appropriate for an audience coming to it years later.

Not everything is linked. And not everything that’s linked is equally easy to find at the site. And here and there, holes exist, links that come up empty. 

We’ll start with The Boomer Bible Forum, which demonstrates the degree to which this was a joint enterprise nourished by mostly young people who found the book on their own and were intrigued into participating with others in exploring it. Links work, even to specific texts by individual conversant and debaters. As we’ll do with others here, the included graphic is only a teaser not a substitute for taking the link.

Now for a couple of fun things, some more hmmm-ish than funny but worth a chuckle of acknowledgment.


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