NonPiquitur Seqs — QUEEFTEEFA

Every so often, I have to go through the 10,000 images on my iPad with a fine-toothed comb looking for graphics I’ve used already and are therefore erasable because safely eternal on the Internet. The only way I can keep forging ahead on disk space capacity that is more clogged with insanity than what’s-her-name’s simulacrum of a brain. When I find something I haven’t used yet I can throw it into this new category and post it here, then — TADA! — delete it.

This one I created as a favor to an FB friend who was finally getting really mad at gross, man-hating femfascists. He wanted a kind of faux target to focus his written hostilities and satirical jibes on. I made up QUEEFTEEFA for him. He came close to thanking me, which is all FB friends can manage when you give them a laugh, a good idea, or a helpful suggestion. Then he did with it what FBers always do with their finds. Nothing.

Recently, I encountered him doing one of the popular new 10-Word Poster Lectures on the need to be nicer to the ones who disagree with us and want to set our grandchildren’s underwear on fire. i asked him in a comment, “What happened to QUEEFTEEFA?”

He told me he’d had a religious experience literally, in liberally leftist New England. He made some kind of sermonette in a Unitarian pulpitette (what the Unitarians have in place of didactic daises), and expatiated on the need for liberals and conservatives to try to get along better. Afterwards, many of them told him how impressed they were by his eloquent reasoning. Some suggested he could even give Samuel Johnson’s favorite preacher a run for her money.

This caused him to turn over a new leaf. And now he is fully committed to the new harmony of jocular reminiscences about classical music stars who have raised big bucks for PBS. You know, the Lord’s work. Except that should be with a small “L,” I guess. Like with the left lobe of the liberal brain.

And for the record I didn’t make up the graphic just above this line. But now I’ve used it. And can dump it forthwith into the Apple folder of secretly undeleted files. Does anything ever get any better? No.

Anyway, whoever wants to use the QUEEFTEEFA idea and the graphic above, feel free.


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