How Popular Does Trump Have to Be?

Jennifer Rubin is my lefty weathervane. Why I’ve kept her on my Friend list at FB all these years. Her level of insanity at any given time has become indicative of where the DNC’s head is at the moment. About ten days ago, she posted another of her worried mom confidences about Beto O’Rourke, which prompted me to write the following comment:

“Question for all you Rubin acolytes. Now think about this before you answer. Why does Rubin keep pining for Beto? At best he's a failed senate candidate with some disturbing eccentricities. She was not impressed by the dental video. She suggests he is not ready to be a national candidate. But she keeps on talking about him, wistfully I think. Why?

Because she is scared to death. The available Dem candidates add up to total disaster. Biden would be 79 at his inauguration. Elizabeth Warren is a laughingstock for her Native American fantasy. Kamala Harris is an out-and-out Socialist, neither charming nor intelligent. Bernie Sanders is another Socialist, ancient and vulnerable for his mansion lifestyle. The party's political agenda is way way left of mainstream -- raising taxes, open borders, abortion on the birthing table, and a New Wave Feminist War the country will not support. Socialism isn't a platform. Hating Trump is not a platform. The Dem Party is in truly terrible trouble. If only Beto, young, attractive, not Marxist, not a man-hating killer female, could only grow up and into the mantle of leadership, Rubin would sleep easier.

But she's not coming clean about that. She hopes against hope for a Trump removal that will not happen, and JUST AS URGENTLY, she hopes against hope for a real presidential candidate. And Hillary ain't it. She's done. Really and truly.

Have any of you thought about what your real options are? Because there really aren't any, as Rubin knows and won't tell you.
What all the weak-kneed Trump supporters should bear in mind is the old joke about two hikers who have just spotted a bear advancing slowly toward them in the woods. One hiker carefully removes his backpack and experimentally starts pumping his legs in slow motion. The other turns to him, shocked. “You’re not thinking of trying to outrun him, are you? Bears run way faster than humans.” The response turns the second hiker white as a sheet. “I don’t have to outrun him. Just you.” Presidents don’t have to be very popular to get re-elected. They just have to be less of a risk than the person running against him. The lineup of potential Dem candidates is long, but it represents absolutely nothing but risk. That’s what radical gets you at the polls. Ask Goldwater. Ask McGovern. Which means this whole idea that Trump’s presidency is riding on the Wall is ridiculous. My bet is he’ll get it done, but he doesn’t have to succeed in every particular to be a cinch for re-election. One of the reasons I’ve left Facebook is because of all the armchair pundits who second guess Trump seconds after anything happens. Because they support Trump, mind you, but let’s face it: They’re smarter than he is. Not so, Scipio.


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