A Message from the Shuteye Train?

Some kind of technical glitch probably. I was working a new personal website with a site provider I’ve used over a dozen times before for various applications, including Shuteye Town and Shuteye Nation. I’d been having some access problems, predictably Facebook related, when I returned to my my completed First Page to discover an image file there I had not inserted myself. Definitely not one of mine. I had never seen it before. What’s more, the insert defied the format of the software, which required creation of an onscreen window to accept each image file. There was no such window. It was just there, wider than the screen, clipped left, right, and bottom. I had to save it to see what it was. And amazingly, I was able to save it. Shouldn’t have been able to given its status as an image without a software home, so to speak. It’s the image you see above.

Now look at this. Many months ago I had done some graphic work on an Edward Hopper painting that seemed suggestive to me. Take a look at this image array:

Kind of an eerie resemblance, isn’t it? The site it landed in from out of the blue was a distinct stepping stone in my path out of Facebook. Approval? Encouragement? Or just a reminder of important allies in the war we’re fighting? Dunno. Probably a technical glitch.


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