Greetings to Facebook Friends

Welcome to my new HQ. I will no longer be posting regularly at Facebook. It is confining, deadening, and unrelentingly annoying. My previous InstaPunk site, InstaPunk Rules, is actually full, with over a thousand posts that are still accessible. Time for a new hangout. This is it. Plenty of elbow room and the coffee’s not bad.

Let me show you around the place. In the upper left of the screen, there’s a Menu icon. It lists individual pages of InstaPunk Returns additional to the posts you’ll always see listed here on the Main Page. These other pages will be selections from my previous blogs and other work that I think stands the test of time. They’re not all filled in yet because I’m still unpacking boxes from the move, and my back hurts. They’ll get up to speed by and by. More pages will be added later as inspiration strikes and time permits.

I will be keeping an eye on Facebook, of course, and will probably link and comment on posts as I have in the past, only from here instead of there. If you’re interested in what I might have to say or link, add InstaPunk Returns as a bookmark or ‘Favorite’ on your device. Check it out when you remember. I may remind FB of my existence in specific comments from time to time, probably infrequently.

That’s it for the housekeeping today. If you need towels or Room Service, you know how to procure them, I’m guessing. Just don’t call me for that stuff. Your comments on other matters are welcome. We have no Like button here. One of the chief attractions of the place. The Like button is the Participation Trophy of the Internet. Not awarded here. Make a comment or don’t. That’s how the voting works around here.


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