A Super Hoax Still Unfolding

Just click on the pic to see the relevant movie clip.

It started as a stunt. One intended to make a point inside the Democrat Party, but not to overturn the applecart. The instigator was Dick Wolf, famed as the executive producer and chief ‘ripped-from-the-headlines’ jokester of the long-running hit show Law & Order. Wolf is a lifelong Democrat loyalist, probably more limousine liberal than Commie left wing, who has used his show business chops in service to New York causes and biases for decades. No one else in the entertainment biz made more attempts to demolish Donald Trump before he became dangerous than Dick Wolf. Under a variety of fictional names, wearing a variety of sinister actor faces, Trump has been tried for murder, murdered himself, tortured by publicly messy and fatal divorces, implicated in every kind of white collar and mob-related crime from extortion to sexual trafficking, and been reduced to ruin generally more than a dozen times in Wolf’s Law & Order TV franchise. Wolf knows how to bring the grief to his targets and laughs heartily while doing so.

But what happened here? The Wolf is a clever predator. He also knows when it’s time to thin the herd, with tooth and claw if necessary. He was not impressed by the Democrat performance in the 2016 presidential campaign. He had grown mightily sick of the ACE (Ancient, Corrupt & Evil) Wing of the Party, which really thought it could win with tottering drunk or senile mansion collectors like Hillary and Bernie. As a TV/film producer he knew damn well that what sells is youth and sex appeal, the lower and more obvious the sex component the better. He wanted a new wing to revive Democrat election prospects. The YAP Wing for Young And Pretty. He wanted a showhorse of a New York City congressional candidate to run in the 2018 midterms. He wouldn’t need to win to make his point, just do far better than pundits predicted, because a key part of his plan was that his young and pretty candidate would also be to the left of Che Guevara, dumb as a box of rocks, and endowed with a fashion and makeup sense that was strictly streetwalker. If she still did well, that would show the DNC that it really was time to clear the party back benches of drooling graybeard insane-o-crats of both sexes.

There was no such candidate immediately available in New York. So the show biz mover and shaker manufactured his own. He took an earnest and talented young actress named Alex M___o, who had a part in one of his current movie projects (The Super) and offered her the role of a lifetime. (Why did she disappear so quickly from the movie? Where did she go? Congress.) He let her keep her first name and gave her a goofy hyphenated last name well suited to wordplay jokes — Occasional, Occluded... Cortex, Courtesan, Curtsy, Croutons, Cervix, etc — and schooled her in the long lost arts of the uproariously dumb blonde, ethnically rebooted as brunette of course, whose opinions are respected on the strength of her bra size and skirt length, not her IQ. He ran her as a Dark Horse from the Bronx.

At least he got the horse part right. The unexpected disaster was that she won, going away. That ridiculous equine overbite apparently charmed the voters as much as the stream of nonsensical talk that spewed from her hooker-red lips. Now the Democrats are stuck with her. Wolf is stuck with her. The media can’t help themselves. They have to follow her around like dogs, desperate to get their noses and cameras under the tent for a great upskirt scoop of the Great Impostor created by Dick Wolf.

And what are we to do? Follow the example of the president, who laughs and laughs at the kind of New York burlesque he’s a master of himself. Don’t forget. Wolf’s inability to draw himself a winning hand with his made-up bimbo isn’t his first huge failure. That honor belongs to Donald Trump, conspicuously not done in by the preemptive slanders of Dick Wolf over many years. Live and learn as they say. Unless you’re a Democrat. Who just aren’t ever smart enough to best a bar higher than low cunning.

Above on the left, still from the video clip. On the right, AOC in Congress. QED.


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