A Good Day to Take a Reading on Where We Are


When doctors care about the kids…

Kind of an auspicious day when you think about it. January 6. The last day of Christmas, Epiphany. The fourth anniversary of the Fedsurrection at the Capitol. By no coincidence, the day the results of the 2024 election are supposed to be certified, but for the fact that Global Warming has blessed us with the first big eastern blizzard of the year and the Trump victory may be postponed. 

I was taking a cruise through the thumbnails at Gateway Pundit, looking for signally evocative stories to elaborate on, when I realized that the story today is all of the stories listed here. It’s a snapshot of where we are in the country and the world. Bizarre cultural anecdotes, momentous political changes, famous people spouting off and acting like dunces, fools, and villains. I think back to this day four years ago and ask myself, could I ever have dreamed that we would be here, struck in the face with all these proofs of failure and crisis, yet spotted here and there with shafts of light and hope. The answer is no. I couldn’t have imagined it would be this bad and still not irretrievably lost.

So here’s the rotogravure I’m offering. You can find anymof them to read simply by taping “Gateway Pundit”:into your browser. They’ve survived four years of determined effort to censor them and lawfare them out of business. Hasn’t worked yet. Take a look. Things are happening faster than even these thumbnails indicate. It’s just after noon, and Trudeau has already resigned. Bon Voyage! And Bonne Année.


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