The Inauguration Follies


The day he finally cast off the Lilliputians and stood tall again

Everything about the day was memorable. The decision to hold the swearing-in indoors, inside the Capitol Rotunda, was brilliant, regardless of the reasons for it. Instead of watching an over-coated old man’s hoarsely declaimed words made visible as plumes of frigid exhalation, we got a far more intimate and less distracting view of a President speaking directly to the people of the United States. To us. Not to the assembled horde of those privileged enough to be admitted to the show through the filters of security and influence. All of that and more will be preserved and displayed in a Presidential Library to be built at some remote later date. Not what we’re interested in here.

The stuff we might lose is also indispensable to remembering and preserving an iconic two days of ceaseless movement, talk, gravity, and hilarity. With the most emphasis in this post on the funny, the absurd, the outrageous, and even the contemptible. What’s here has been culled from Youtube, and it may be added to as other videos surface. But the following will do for a start.some of them are ten or more minutes long. (A couple are interrupted by ads which can be clicked on and skipped…) No need to watch everything at once. Make a note of the page and come back when you have the inclination or more time to spend. It will be here waiting for you.

Just to set the scene. Moments you might have missed at the very beginning of the day…

Grand entrances of Hillery, Bill, Barry, Michael Richard Pence (one-time VP), 
the Bushes, and other notable seat warmers, plus the stars of the Comeback Tour

And some you might have missed because they weren’t there…

This is one you will absolutely want to copy and share.

You probably saw Carrie Underwood’s inspired a capella rendition of ‘America the Beautiful’ when a technical glitch threatened to deny us her performance with a military choir. You may not have seen the hostile context provided by the harridans of The View when it was announced that Underwood would be performing…

This is long but funny. No end of jokes…

A different tone here. Might remind you of a lot us in the larger audience. He likes what he is seeing…

The YT title of this one is flat-out false advertising. 
It’s not a rant. It’s an appreciation of the main event 
and subsequent festivities, with an emphasis on one
of the day’s stars, Barron, an 18-yr old who is tall.

This is the real Melania, beneath the reserve and the gorgeous hat. It’s also long, but be patient. The narration is well and carefully written. Be patient with it. Good preparation for the next video on our list.

Talk to the hand…

Then there was the nauseating performance by a Bishop of what used to be the Episcopal Church of America before it became a mouthpiece for Planned Parenthood and the LGBTQ+++ Vandal Tribe. Beautifully handled, again, by Da Real ADOGG…

Yes. she was mad as hell. Tell you anything?

Our final offering is my favorite clip from the whole shebang. Here’s what I wrote about it at Facebook yesterday:

FTA: << An instant classic even YT knew to post without delay. They’re calling it Trump’s “Sword Dance,“ which is (intentionally?) incorrect. A sword is a two-edged weapon, a lot like Biden’s pardons, which can do accidental damage in every direction beyond direct slashing of an opponent. What Trump did was a Saber Dance. That weapon is a single-edged blade capable of cutting as well as piercing, the only such blade employed in the sport of fencing. Swords don’t qualify because fencing is about precision, not battering and cudgeling. I know about sabers from personal experience; it’s the only sport for which I ever received a Varsity letter. Sabers are fun. Our opponents were mostly military academies, one of which Trump famously attended. Perhaps that’s why he chose to participate briefly in a saber display during a visit to Saudi Arabia In his ‘45’ days.

The mere act of picking up a saber makes the average guy feel like Errol Flynn or Douglas Fairbanks, suddenly debonair.

It also does lend itself automatically to the art of dance. Trump may have been hearing this in the back of his mind instead of YMCA, though that’s probably presumptuous of me to speculate about:

Mostly, he was having fun. When’s the last time you witnessed a President of the United States indulging the little boy that still lives inside all of us?

If you haven’t seen it, do so now and enjoy the moment…>>

How I feel about all of these clips. Moments you may have missed but can visit now at your leisure.


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