The Brightbelt Spinoff Opus


The link included here is actually already available to IPR readers through the Menu button that appears at the top left corner of the site and each post. The Menu button is a box formed by four white horizontal lines. There’s an enormous amount of material accessible there, as well as the file you can find by seeking the word “Brightbelt.”

Brightbelt Political Coverage of Disastrous 2022 Election Campaign

Why am I highlighting the link here? Because it’s a pretty complete time capsule of a critical phase in the political tone in the nation that changed very dramatically with Biden’s vicious speech at Independence Hall early in September of 2022, right before the Red Wave that did not materialize as expected that November. The referenced work here is a selection of my own posts at Facebook for just two weeks following the Biden speech. In that timeframe I believe I captured the level of vitriol leveled at Trump by numerous members of the UniParty (the Administration + Democrats + RINOs, and satirized their presentations with graphics and commentary. 

In compiling the content I researched and prepared entries for a full month, which turned out, alas, to be too long for one PDF file. So I cut it in half and published the first half as a product for sale at an ebook site I had already created for the purpose. 

As it turns out, I could do the work, but I had no money or time for advertising and promotion. The sales effort flopped. Now it’s just a part of the record of the times. I posted it as available for free via link here and left it at that. Accessing the 63 pages of content is easy. Click the link, wait for the page to show up on screen, then click anywhere in the PDF page to lose the lefthand busywork column. Then scroll to watch a sequence in time that set the stage for all the ugly propaganda and campaigning that has occurred since.

It’s a microcosm of the American political scene out of which Trump ultimately emerged triumphant, almost unbelievably so, in the November 2024 Presidential election.

What’s interesting — and part of the reason I’m posting this IPR entry — is that traffic at this site has been increasing quite healthily of late. Last month I topped my previous record for reader views in a month. I’m on track to top that record again this month.

People are coming here to read. I don’t know where they’re coming from or how they’re finding out about the site. But I’m glad they’re here (I should say ‘you’re,’ shouldn’t I?). It’s not because I’ve done any advertising or other reaching out beyond my few hundred friends at Facebook. It’s true that the IPR site has been around long enough now that it shows up at Google is you type in “Instapunk Returns.” Maybe people are doing that. I don’t know. Here’s what they’ve (you’ve) been reading:

Thanks for reading this. I know that Blogger has repeatedly defeated my attempts to make it easy for you to comment on individual posts, but comments do appear altogether at an admin page I can see. If you have comment to make, give it a try.

NOTE. Apparently, yours isn’t the only attention I’m attracting. There is now a note affixed to my post about NextGen Democrat Leadership. It violate Community Guidelines because it includes voluminously available images from the Internet featuring politically active female stars in award-winning performances. Go figure. To see it, starting about an hour ago, you must agree that you are an adult and won’t be offended by adult material that can’t hold a candle to the smut your child can check out of an elementary school library these days. Go figure. Why there has been an Instapunk site on the Internet for the last 20 years. 


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