How the Hive Killed America

NOTE: This post originally appeared at another site of mine on February 1, 2024, but I am mirroring it here now because it is relevant to reforming the massive cultural upheaval which has done so much damage to our nation in this century. I’m seeking more readers for these ideas because the changes they describe are so monumental and dangerous, and we do have a chance to make changes in a second Trump administration. Please read, copy, and share it with any friends and colleagues who may understand it.]

The Ultimate Conspiracy

She’s ba-a-ack! 20-25K years old and taking over again.

Yes, I have a theory. I’ll present it in overview here, at greater length elsewhere, as a satirical fantasy rather than an academic dissertation. That doesn’t mean it’s untrue. It means I’m picking a medium more accessible than a scholarly peer-reviewed publication whose subscribers don’t even read it. It’s also more realistic than compiling footnotes from sources I’ve read and studied in some detail but don’t physically possess anymore and therefore won’t be quoting from. None of them has figured out what I’ve figured out anyway. 

I’ve said before that all writing is fiction, which is also true. The ones who have the hardest time learning and understanding that are, ironically, scholars and academics. Why you can never trust what they say. The best way to read fiction is, as everyone knows, giving the writer your willing suspension of disbelief. Not that much to ask really.

Understanding my theory won’t change anything. What’s underway has already won a long battle in secret. I won’t be advocating resistance, armed or otherwise, just prompting my own small band of readers to seek whatever means and locations of escape might be available.

Before I get to the gist, let me put a few questions to you (plus a Tip: Don’t take the hyperlinks on first reading; afterwards is soon enough…)

1) Why are we experiencing a simultaneous resurgence of antisemitism and officially sponsored persecution/prosecutions of Christians for being Christians?

2) Why are we seeing a rise in the practice of Satanism and the defense of its practitioners by a consensus atheist press which professes not to see the harm?

3) Why are Jews so heavily involved in providing the muscle for Democrat strategies when the party they’ve done so much to promote has become actively antisemitic?

4) Why is the black voter base suddenly dividing in terms of party affiliation, with black women remaining loyal to Democrats while black males are leaving the Democrats for a controversial Republican who has been repeatedly condemned as a racist?

5) Why is the Overton Window moving with such amazing speed in terms of what constitutes acceptable sexual behavior, from a discreet consensus of “don’t ask, don’t tell” regarding every form of sexual act and preference to highly public promotion of behaviors that used to be quite literally unspeakable?

6) Why are we so unexpectedly obsessed with blurring the divide between male and female by pretending they are malleable, reversible, and divisible into ‘n’ number of equally capable genders?

7) Why are IQs falling at an accelerating rate from one generation to the next, as Z-Gen college graduates are now being measured at average intelligence on par with the rest of the population, which is also getting dumber?

8) Why are so many women who lack real intellectual and academic heft occupying powerful leadership positions in the Administration, the Congress, Academia, Corporate Resource Management, Christianity, and in behind-the-scenes influence on critical matters of culture and state? 

Click on the graphic and push in all directions to see the enormity of the file. 
It’s way to late to cut God out of the picture. He’s woven into every part of us.

9) Why are all the institutions and professions failing visibly in terms of their credibility, competence, and demonstrable performance in terms of their own ethical standards?

10) Why is technology propelling us toward a mandated dominion of so-called Artificial Intelligence systems that will be regarded administratively as preferable to individual liberty, innovation, and decision making?

11) Why is the United States of America swirling downward at alarming speed in terms of its economic performance, personal health, 2-parent families, educational competence, levels of violent crime, drug addiction, border control, and peaceful conduct of foreign policy?

There are unique answers to each question, but the deep answer to all of them is the same. These negative developments are not accidental or even truly political, except in their impacts. All are in process because the changes being effected accrue to the advantage of a return to matriarchal rule after 4-5,000 years of patriarchy. It’s important to note right away that matriarchal rule is not feminism or even feminist. Its purpose is not to improve the lot of women but to flatten the population and eliminate the concepts of time and individuality that make them unpredictable. Feminism is simply a useful tool for dismantling a patriarchy.

The Battle on Ice is a recursive phenomenon.
This time the Ice wins. From underneath.

It’s a common misconception of anthropologists that there has never been a truly matriarchal society. This is absolutely false. The cause of the misconception is that matriarchal societies are ahistorical; that is, they do not write down or record in any way the history of their own lives. They require a hierarchy and a certain implicit organization, but they have no need for the rest of what we consider basic attributes of civilization: morality, written communication, laws, education, history, or even ego consciousness as we think of it. They require obedience in the daily conduct of societal members who are essentially living the same year every year on a strict lunar schedule. Therefore they also have gods, who are worshipped, appeased, and sacrificed to in order to secure protection from the vagaries of nature that can afflict or end their lives.

The best comparable model in the natural world is the bee hive. A Queen, workers, and drones operating automatically to perform routines that require no thought because they never vary. 

It’s not exactly a coincidence that the Venus of Willendorf looks a lot like, well, a bee. She is worshipped for her fertility, which made the female the superior sex in the eons before anyone figured out at a conscious level where babies come from. 

While we have no written history of the ancient matriarchal societies, we do have a record of the rise of patriarchy, which we can identify on the timeline because it’s where history began, and the matter of which gods were worshipped and ritually placated became the cause of wars, conquests, and profound cultural changes attendant to repeated invasions and other encounters with “others.”

The first writer I know of who identified that this kind of warfare was expressly a confrontation between matriarchy and patriarchy was Camille Paglia in her landmark book ”Sexual Personae.” She happily recasts the labors of Hercules as a literarily camouflaged campaign of destruction, waged against priestesses and the cultures in which they and their gods had managed to keep everything the same practically forever. She also drew a bright line between the sexes. Women are synonymous with the Underworld, men with — for want of a better term — the Upperworld, life is about change, creativity, competition, thought, pleasure where you find it, and history, including your place in it.

I don’t believe Paglia identified what might be the single earliest invention of the patriarchy, organized sport. This might even be the single most important invention in history, at any rate right up there with the wheel and pi. It is sport that introduced into human conduct the value of fairness, rules, duty by individual competitors to a team or a community, and the absolute necessity of recordkeeping. Has anyone ever considered the possibility that the first financial records were written down only after box scores had come into common use on the playing field? Or that the ball is as important as the wheel?

The first documented laws are ascribed to Hammurabi (c. 1800 BC), but the real breakthrough that changed the world for everyone afterwards was the creation of the Ten Commandments given by Moses to the Jews. The true origin of the Commandments does not matter as much to our purposes in this discussion as what they were designed very specifically to do. In effect, the Law of Moses identified the ground rules for establishing and maintaining a civilized community with the absolute minimum of opportunities for chaos, violence, and discord in daily life. It’s a work of very great genius, divinely inspired or not (as you prefer for the nonce). The first four, much criticized by Flying Spaghetti Monster devotees, are indispensable for ‘writing in stone’ the authority of the Commandments themselves, not the fallible, mortal leaders responsible for teaching and enforcing them. There is no excuse for killing your leader as a means of invalidating the Law. So important that one day a week should be set aside for remembering this and holding yourself to personal account (No. 4). The Law abides. 

The remaining six Commandments are beautifully designed to reduce human friction. Honoring parents is critical to the raising of children who also know and respect the Law, for whom parental authority is the most visible symbol for every child in the community. The sixth is widely jeered at by critics of religion for the current reductive translation of “Thou shalt not kill.” The obvious occurrence of wars after the time of Moses is to them proof of self-righteous hypocrisy, the Achilles heel of the whole set. Except that the wording in the King James Bible seems more consistent with the family orientation of the rest: “Thou shalt do no murder.” Defending the homeland is one thing; strangling your wife’s lover is something altogether different. Which leads us to No. 7, the one about adultery and not doing that. This is not about priggish pandering to uptight conformists. It’s about the necessity for fathers to know who sired the children they are responsible for. Once the connection had been made between sex and pregnancy, the door was open to jealousy, possessiveness, and rage about betrayal of vows. Marital fidelity is common sense peacekeeping behavior. It holds families together. That’s hardly an extreme religious eccentricity. Nos 8, 9, and 10 share the same basic purpose. Stealing, lying about others, and obsessively desiring what does not belong to you are all causes of friction between people living in the same community.

So, why is the government of Oklahoma pleased with itself for banning the Ten Commandments from state buildings and Iowa(?) okay with prosecuting vandalism of a Satan statue as a ‘hate crime.’?

It’s about severing both Judaism and Christianity at the root. The Ten Commandments predate the Old Testament of the Bible, upon which everything that follows in the western world depends. It is the Old Testament which tells the story in which the sins of the world are brought about by Eve and thus resulted in the original sin borne by all Jews until Jesus gave the gift of forgiveness to all who followed him in the New Testament. Forgiveness to the daughters of Eve, too, but not complete equality; Christian doctrine expressly put the husband in charge of the marital union and its progeny, because the man was the one who acted both within and outside the home and bore the responsibility for protecting them from harm.

In terms of enforcement, modern civilization has more than nullified this restriction on women in marriage. They no longer vow to obey; indeed their vows can be anything they want them to be, so much has the church deteriorated in terms of its authority. Why, then, even in this day and age, would Satanic idols (their own brand of Golden Calf) be more protected by the state than the prime symbol of the Judeo-Christian tradition? 

Why? Because Eve is not alone in this tradition; she has a fellow-traveler, a shadow trailing her, named Lilith. Who has never ceased to be a symbol of rebellion against the sexual injustices of God. And she is artistically and often thematically linked with the devil himself, that necessary opponent of a jealous, overweening divinity. 

No humble bee but a winged and antlered figure of divine stature herself

Yet Lilith is only one milestone in a tradition that predates her in the goddesses of Sumer and Egypt, and mimics or echoes her in Greek mythology, where the wings and horns are to be found in greater or lesser degree on depictions of the Medusa, the Harpies, the Sirens, and some ambiguous others like Demeter. The Greeks had their own quite different version of the Eve story, in which Hades (God of the Underworld and literary 2nd cousin of Satan) kidnapped Proserpine with the help of her own mother, who shielded her with the gift of forgetfulness and later secured her return to earth for a ransom consisting of the seasons, fall and winter now a reflection of the cold and barren bones of the Underworld. Proserpine/Persephone’s fate was not initiated by a sin, but it was caused by the eating of a piece of fruit, the pomegranate, which put her to sleep (Sound familiar?). Her subsequent freedom was only partial. During fall and winter she returned to Hades, eternal payment for her own mother’s treachery. Women to blame after all for the Curse of Eve.

Demeter, Goddess of the Seasons, Agriculture, and Grain

The Christian tradition responded to Lilith with the gradual deification of the Virgin Mary in the Catholic faith, because Lilith lived seductively on in the narratives and poetry of literary creations, for example as Morgan La Fay in the Christ-derived story of King Arthur. There she is, and has always been, the feared and incomprehensible matriarchy in waiting, armed always with the spells and other indecipherable tongues of witchcraft, intent on doom for Mankind.

A word about conspiracy in the context of Proserpine’s permanent semi-imprisonment in the Underworld, which in the ancient context is the realm of the unconscious. Why men of all eras keep thinking there is something undefinably missing in what used to be the fairer sex. Theirs is a different mentality, much of it hidden even from them. The conspiracy I’m describing is of the hive variety not metaphorically but literally, participated in without conscious awareness by most women under the control of a Queen — and her Coven (COVID anyone? — who knows what’s to be done but isn’t saying it out loud. Which means run of the mill females are also tools, chattels and slaves of mere flesh and physical appetites that are therefore expendable without guilt to regain the long lost matriarchy. Which benefits not people, not individuals, but the stable, predictable, hummingly humdrum life of the hive one year at a time.

All the odd questions above have specific answers that make sense in hive terms as well. God and religion — Christianity and Judaism in particular — must be slain. Moral systems requiring thought, judgment, introspection, and hope are the enemy of the hive. Why the reemergence of blood-drenched pagan, nature-centric symbols and idols. Figureheads standing upon the altars where necessary sacrifices are made. Why the schools are deliberately miseducating students now too dumb to know much of anything but most critically the difference between them and the generations before them. Why black women have been subsumed en masse into the matriarchal hive. Men, as fathers and moral exemplars, have been replaced by the myth of the superhero black mother, who single-handedly raises the children sired by no account baby-daddies. Who flee to early violent death or imprisonment. This mirrors the same general process that has occurred since Jewish women invented modern feminism and led the revolt against an ‘oppressive’ patriarchy that had prized women and motherhood above male physical safety and endured vast sacrifices to spare their women pain. What was the beef that gave us the crippling new feminism of underqualified amoral women in charge of institutions, professions, and so-called Social Justice reforms? Simple. The Christian and Jewish patriarchies refused to put women in charge of vital decision making. Why did feminism start with the Jews? Because next to its plagiarized imitator Islam, Judaism was the most restrictive religion in the west of women’s moral and social liberties. Their faith did not have the gentle hand of Christianity that required men to play the same role as husbands and fathers that Christ played for the Church and its parishioners. 

Deserted by their mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters, Jewish men gradually abandoned their faith, becoming atheists as amoral as their women and easy dupes for the superficial approvals of governments and professions. Why Jewish politicians can now commit horrendous crimes against their own Ten Commandments for the purpose of destroying a mere political enemy on behalf of an organization that tolerates Islamic obsession with wiping out the entire race of Jews. Which will also serve the matriarchy quite nicely down the line.

What is most desirable and necessary now is the end of thought, the end of argument, the end of any kind of morality. People must be dumbed down and sedated sufficiently to do whatever they are told to do, obediently and without complaint. There will be no more complaining when there are no more Jews. There will be no more nuclear families when there are no more Christians. There will, however, be indiscriminate sex, by everyone, with everyone they want, which will be no problem because nothing is wrong or can’t be solved by the quick death of a nonperforming member of the hive. Why the gentile Christians are already a spent, corrupted force, their shallow pretenses of faith long abandoned in favor of nihilist goals like fame and power. Christian men are now weaklings, no more men than the mannish women who resent them, and their minds are gone. The battle was very nearly over before it was recognized as a fight over the life and death of the soul.

Just one other condition of existence is required for the rerooting of the matriarchy. Fear. Disease, death, uncertainty, the banishment of prosperity, and foreign wars all increase the level of fear and hence the level of obedience. We have all those in abundance now. 

Who will be in charge then? The Queen. Pick whatever name you like. Lucifer. Lilith. Medusa. Isis. Elon. Alexandria. Or the local witch and coven that runs your otherwise powerless ‘community.’

Just saw a movie called Lords of Salem, supposedly Satanic but in reality a triumph of ancient witches once executed and now brought back to life by unconscious descendants commandeered by subliminal music. Mission? Give birth to the Demon Child who will slay sacrificial sheep by the millions. Here’s a trailer…

Don’t actually know if I was watching a grimly gory 
horror movie or a historical reenactment. Your call.

No states, no races, no genders, no calendar, no individuals, no thoughts. Just phases of the Moon, a
Queen and her protective honey eaters, units of production and gestation, and a hive like the others.

 To be fair, the Underworld has been giving us fair warning for a long time.
In fact, the universe is always sending us signals, whether we listen or not.
Yup, it’s just a popcorn movie. Is it also an obtrusive subconscious parable?
Just one simple question. Does anyone ever watch Queen Mad Max again? 

Or you can just regard all this as a slightly different incarnation of The Babylon Bee. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Just another buzzing bee.

Adjust your eyes, dude. Look at what you’re looking at. They won. All it took. Bzzzz. 

OH RIGHT. EQUITY! How’s that working out?

P.S. By (un)popular demand… from Music for the 2024 Campaign.

NOTE: For more about the hive and the “Insect Brain,” see the suppressed (but still available at Amazon) satire called The Naked Woman. It was intended to provoke thinking about the politically correct fallacies of feminism no one wanted to hear back in the Nineties. It represents a major attempt to think “out of the box” (pun intended) about the deep differences between the sexes. The wry premise was that a bunch of men who were recently divorced and therefore temporarily immune to female wiles form an underground research effort to expose the sinister truth about women. In other words, I created a mirror of feminism itself, simply reversing the roles so that it was men not women who were perverting the conventions of social science to win hearts and minds. This double satire (which was probably closer to the truth than anyone wanted) got me banned from the humorless world of politically correct American publishers, an outcome that set me free to write what I want, and only what I want, for the rest of my life (barring the aggressive censorship now rife in the world of social networks). But I’m still here, and you still have the opportunity to read the book that made my freedom as a writer possible.

Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s rare and lavishly illustrated with great works of art.


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