Music for the 2024 Presidential Campaign

I have a new policy. Not boasting. Just a statement of fact. Nobody can do what I do, at incredible speed. I started this at 10:30 pm, Jan 25. I’m not claiming to be a seer or a deliverer, just the one who got given the curse of Cassandra, right but not believed by anybody, not even his most devoted intimates. 

My prediction. Trump will win after his martyrdom. But it will be a vey bloody victory. He may win the election. Here’s music for that. I really am the “expert” on right music. 

When you need to remember why*… Follow your nose.

Yeah. We win. Eventually.

Revisionist history has it the Battle of New Orleans was a waste; the Brits 
had already signed a peace treaty. Except their paper was like the paper 
we see today. The peace came when the news reached Parliament that the 
Yanks had a stone killer for a General.

Best reason yet proffered for Sherman’s March to the Sea. Blow up 
the stuff people are fighting over. Save lives tomorrow and the day after.

Four years of dead guys dying in place. Yanks come out of the trenches and get 
ahead of the advance. All things considered, best place to be. How you win the war.

Always been a problem with coming home. 
But we come home because home is home.

Sorry. No composers for the Most Forgotten war that killed
more Americans than Vietnam and never complained. Turn 
off the sound and play it again. What kids were listening to 
in 1952. Johnny Ray. Dear John stuff.

Leave no man behind.

So maybe she’s totally ignorant and illiterate. Our kids.

Silence is the beat of the absent heart.

What happened for sure, for music, go here.*

They HAVE to kill him.

When you think about the opposition…

Never lovely with the deadsticks in charge

Imagine there’s no nothing. Poetry

‘Cause Jeeesus is more dangerful DEI-wise than the dadgum Bible.

Only corporate callout in rock history…

We are the Change of Climate, World-Ass scum…

Neil Young. Did they ever get the Bug out of his ass?

Some New Wokeupper huuunhhh??!!!

Oh, Guess…

Oh Guess again… Rhode Island?

When there’s a painful loss along the way…

We don’t effin’ care. Sine’s us don’ die.

When you need to remember who we’re fighting for…

Like all the daughters who learned the wrong lessons from the dying time…

And all the ones who didn’t live to fight another day…

Yeah, even the ones with no clothes on…

When you need to remember that we’re all Americans…

Stopped my heart once…

Why we need Lesbians. They don’t get overexcited.

You think great artists ever cared who was gay?
Only gays did. Oscar Wilde was their punishment.

The scrawk is all the voice some of us have.

Yeah. Some of us old white dudes  have dens dating 
back thousands and thousands of years in the hills.

Face it. All of us have a closet full of secrets.

Zydeco. The answer. If we could just remember it.

When you need to remember what old age can call on…

This guy and I go wayback. Spent years searching, 
pre-Internet, for music behind open of McCabe & 
Mrs. Miller. Found it. Here he hands out credit for
people who helped. I do that too.. Rob Davey, Josh
Lake, Guy Tellefsen, Mark Long, Pat Hotz***, GW,
Null*, Winston Sith, KageShell, John Murphy, Betsy
Bechtold*, Patrick Prentice*, and John McClain…..

When you just need a JOLT to fire you up…

When you want to celebrate…

Checking the clock. Yeah, took me two and a half hours. Not a record. Oh well. Why I won’t post right away. Nobody deserves my speed and accuracy combined. 

Pick which liar in the Truth business you want to assure you we will WIN in the end.

* Afternote/Postnote/Unmattersnote. A whole different list of angry music files


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