
I accidentally discovered an apt new term to describe what’s going on right now. I was having fun with a recent Breitbart post referencing one of CNN’s duller voices.

Atheocracy. Kind of perfect. Nailed home by the sudden leftist welcome of support from the Satanists in opposing the Texas Abortion law. Not to mention Cher’s redefinition of democracy as anything which enables a woman to get her way in every way she desires.

A simple definition of Atheocracry. Every belief system involving the divine is non-scientific, worthless, and necessarily to be crushed out of existence. So we can all always do whatever we want, no matter who gets hurt.

What happened? 

Dr. Doolittle’s Pushmi-Pullyu. Often
Characterized as a sexual stalemate.

Men and women have battled for control of society forever. Both sexes (there are exactly two) have competed for power for over thousands of generations. 

Thurber’s War Between Men and Women. Jeez. That’s been a while ago.

Feminists believe there were matriarchal civilizations which ruled cultures for millennia, based on the belated male discovery that females gave birth and were in charge of fertility. Goddesses galore. Men as seasonal studs. About this the women may be right. Every year the same year, repeated as autonomically as menses. A reliable if boring survival strategy unless and until the boss bitch of the tribe next door has a bad hair day. If the matriarchal societies existed, though, they unfortunately failed to invent writing, history, and civilizational ambition. What records we do have of nominally female-superior societies are not matriarchal but matrilineal. These were uniformly disastrous to women. Marry the nine year old, take her property, kill her, and get on with the business of warring and ruling.

First historical record we have of this, as in written down and indicative of the most important underlying power struggle of all time is from the Greeks, whose macho Titans and Olympian Gods overthrew the power of female gods, subjugated them, and women in general. Hercules raping all those priest-goddesses… Maecenaean pre-classical Greek times. Which evolved radically. The Egyptian goddesses such as Ma’at and Isis had succeeded in keeping the Nile civilization in stasis for thousands of years. Meanwhile, the Greeks started making and writing about history, philosophy, mathematics, the sciences (including medicine), architectural innovation, artistic glories (Deviation from the vertical; look it up), and even rights for women. Until Greece conquered Egypt, the Ptolemys ruled, and Cleopatra gave it all to Rome.

It was the Greeks, and the Hebrews and Romans, who laid down the great postulate: Love them, honor them, bejewel them, enable them to become rich and influential, educate them, allow them into your councils of power, just never EVER give them official authority. Once you do that, they will destroy you. They want different things. They live differently in time. They will emasculate you and your long term plans — they have all the tools to do that — in favor of what they want now, right now, and, yes, they can see the details and beauties of today better than you but they cannot comprehend the consequences, intended or unintended, of what they want at this very moment. They are valuable because men cannot live in the here and now, but neither does civilization. Civilization lies in the eyes and genius of the visionary, which women as a sex are not. Their preference is always to be physically secure, to obey their own whims and priorities, regardless of everyone else’s. They possess native kindness, a becoming love of children as their exclusive  unaccountable possessions, but not any inherent sense of morality, regardless of how sweetly they connive to achieve what they want for their own personal priorities. They are not evil. They are different, and we should be able to perceive the extremity of that danger by how often and stridently they insist they are NOT different and yet SOMEHOW superior in their exclusive right to decide between life and death in the case of the innocent. The only god they have believed in through the millennia, deep down, is their womanhood, as governed by the moon.

What do we really know about who should be running things? Who’s been oppressing who, who’s been taking care of who? Christianity never said to oppress the woman, the wife, the daughter, the son. It said that the father should be the stand-in for Christ in the home. He is responsible for their well being. His life is to be laid down for theirs. It is his duty to safeguard their lives, their innocence, their well being. That is the marital and filial contract. Through all the years. For life.

But we have thrown that all away. Women got the vote a hundred years ago, the last year a true fiscal conservative was in the White House. Since then, American feminists have never looked back. Women backed by government largesse have thrown over their traces, long before the Pill arrived to make it worse. Christianity worldwide is despised, betrayed by its own churches, sneered at by feminized youngsters who believe in absolutely nothing higher than their own immediate wants. It kills them. Hundreds, thousands every day. The daughter and the son leave home for drugs, he learns to sell them, she learns to do them, both the parents go to work, and everyone is surprised when she walks home alone at night, with her earbuds in, a couple lines of coke up her nose, and winds up raped and strangled and dismembered 500 yards from home, whereupon the whole family blames and curses a God whose expected responsibilities of them they never understood or accepted. Meaning religion itself is evil or something. (Ask Bill Maher or Richard Dawkins.) Because it never answers the question of why bad things happen to good people.

Meanwhile. Meanwhile… all those evil men who father the doomed children have somehow built and maintained absolutely everything we regard as the appurtenances of acceptable life — every weld, every rivet, every nail and 2-by-4, every 9 yards of concrete and foot of rebar, every mechanical design, every skyscraper, every train, every car, every plane, every ship, every sewage system, every power plant, every house, every bathroom, every electrical circuit, every stopped-up drain, every movie, every masterpiece of literature and poetry and music, every breakthrough in science, philosophy, religion, every DAMNED thing that now makes them the worst humans on earth. Why? Because they’re gross. They are. They spit, they fart, they belch, they smell, they commit all the worst crimes, and they make all their titanic sacrifices in work and war just to impress some woman, and they are all pigs. Which is why it’s time to take away their white collars, give them blue ones instead, and proclaim women as the natural paperwork execs and bosses of the pigs forever. Which makes sense. What they always knew they were entitled to. Trade effective motherhood for second rate part-time mother administrator and part-time second-rate doctor-lawyer-MBA-Assistant In Charge and only sometimes sleeping with the old fat Pig-in-Charge, which is far better than taking the risk of excelling. And the 737s fall to earth, the banks fail, the computer networks crash, the thousands of children in family service care fall through the cracks, and the corps of professional abortionists makes the words of Christ a mockery. If she plays her cards right, she’ll have a Bimmer before the first kid gets sentenced to rehab and the first husband goes to jail for defaulted child support payments and dies in a one-car DUI. We call it liberation. Unless her shiny new cougar lifestyle yields a bad boy lover who stalks and kills her first after an ill-conceived night out with the girls and a brave walk home alone. It’s called enlightened self-interest.

Which brings us, throughout many generations, to Ayn Rand. She has all the male tools but morality. Reason, logic, perception, lust, greed, ambition, fortitude, everything possible in the world of men but the concept of sacrifice for the long term. Nowhere is she more eloquent than in her denunciations of the whole concept of sacrifice. To whom? For what? No one and nothing. Why she must be, long before her so-called philosophical meditations, an atheist. All that really matters is the self. She is the 20th century archetype of the Universe of One (once called Wicca) that succeeded in capturing first feminists but then men as well, who became feminized in the process. Nietzsche never wanted the death of God. He was warning us of the danger of killing God in our culture. The supposed mad man knew that without a higher power there was no reason whatever to be moral other than the fear of getting caught red-handed in crime. (It can also be a useful but dispensable affectation to the self-ordained elites who, like Brizoni*, know the exact moment when a fetus becomes an unborn child.) Which doesn’t matter if you can rig the game against all the lesser folk. Rand made Nietzsche’s satiric notion of the Uber-Mensch real, acceptable, and even admirable: nihilism as the ultimate, freeing philosophical aspiration. She does not care that the losers in her system of egoistic selfism might very well die, horribly. She believes capitalism, like communism, is a legitimate philosophy. She’s wrong though. Both are merely economic systems, one historically murderous and poverty-inducing in the extreme, one uniquely and beautifully productive (and usually less murderous) as constrained by the exceptional American nation which created an amazing bounty for hundreds of millions. Rand would ditch all those hundreds of millions, though, for an elitist Utopia in Colorado with the lay (read fuck) of her life. She does what she wants for her own self-interest. She is who we have become. And why our nation is already dead but only beginning to stink.

Ran into this with another old young know-it-all named Brizoni*, who fell under the sway of Ayn Rand. She was a rational atheist. She convinced Brizoni she was right. She’s a lot easier than being a man.

Now there is no God. Even Christians fundamentally misunderstand their own faith. You do not go to hell for sinning. What Christ’s death on the cross was all about. (Duh.) Being a Christian absolves you of sin forever. But not responsibility. The contract with Christ is that you perpetually try to avoid sin and never lose your faith in what cannot be seen because it is all so much bigger than you can comprehend. Christianity is first and foremost about the wonder of Creation, the inspiration of living up to that Creation, and never losing faith in the meaning of life, every life.

You can always tell phony Christians. They’re the ones who rail at God and damn their own beliefs as soon as some turn of events presents more than they think they can bear. They do not believe in an afterlife, which is the whole point of being human in the first place. We are not flesh only. We are spirit, and there will be lessons we learn by rote in second grade that will seem silly and pointless until we are saving someone else’s life with a Ph.D we earned through dozens of years.

But we lost heart, lost belief. And faith in even the most obvious truisms. We abandoned the first axiom. We let the women be in charge. And now there will be a matriarchy, led by shrill, selfish, superior women and castrated subservient men, who know what is better for each and every one of us today. Until the last, most recidivist ancients, the unenlightened barbarians of 1,500 years ago, who never learned a damn thing about consciousness or morality, crush women and us too, including every bright light and and illuminated thought our species has ever had.

Why I’ve also coined another new name, The United State of America. That’s the new matriarchy. The consolidated, dictatorial Nanny State we have surrendered to through a process of dull-witted accommodation. Enjoy it for as long as you are still able to pretend you are conscious.


*Brizoni. Not his real name. He hides behind a nom de guerre. He’s forty-ish now. Lives somewhere out there in the Pacific Northwest. I’ve spoken to his mother multiple times. She’s worried. He hasn’t called her lately. But he knows everything. And has accomplished nothing (except taking credit for this, which I wrote and he published and keeps the royalties). One of three young failures I tried to mentor. One fell to Ayn Rand, another to Ron Paul, and a third to fear. Me? No more Mr. Nice Guy. Phonies and failures and cowards are not my responsibility after I have given my all on their behalf.


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