The Atheist Deformity, Part 3

The Mind of God is a Tough Nut to Crack

Thought he knew”The mind of God”

I’ve been putting this off. It’s the easiest and the hardest part.

None of you have any idea how hard and devotedly I have pursued the question of meaning. I wrote the best book of the last half of the 20th Century and the first half of the 21st. 

Which was, for me, only getting started. I have blazed through all the new sciences, including Nonlinear Systems Analysis, Chaos Theory, Complexity Theory, Information Theory, Quantum Theory, and even Steven Wolfram’s “A New Kind of Science,” which is still an experimental predicter of perfect results without a real theory to explain it. 

He keeps leaving out the part where Artificial Life
and Artificial Intelligence are always set in motion by 
an INTELLIGENCE at the keyboard, setting initial 
conditions. Not a small omission. The programmer is
God. Doesn’t even matter if he has pimples and STDs.

Incredibly brilliant but still as dumb as a box of rocks. I kid you not. He tiptoes all the way up to an admission that there’s intelligence behind absolutely everything, and then he folds his cards and goes to Vegas. Most inspiring and disappointing book I’ve ever read. The universe is intelligent somehow, but there is still no God. Got it. 

Unless you read Roger Penrose, the smarter half of his collaboration with Steven Hawking, who thought he could know The Mind of God from his wheelchair and his electronic voicebox. Roger Penrose knew better.

Which brings us back to the real point. Why atheism doesn’t work. Why it must be wrong. Why? Because it kills. Nations, civilizations, peoples.

What are we looking at in the world of today? Low and declining birth rates in all the supposedly civilized nations. No western nation is actually replacing the might-have-been parents. Us, Britain, France, Germany, even Italy. Women are having no babies. Why the Refugees, fertile Islamic fanatics, are shouldering their way in to take over. Replacement. That is the word people use that the mainstream media can’t seem to understand because it’s so, uh, dumber than their Columbia J-School degree. Replacement?All those barren, killer wombs. It’s the right word. Exactly the right word. Barren.

The root cause? Atheism. I’ve had all these arguments with young men who fell in love with Ayn Rand. Objectivism. They think it solves everything. I read her when I was fifteen and got over it. Why? Atheism is a bottomless pit. You can pretend as a young, idealistic person that there are things which are simply right and wrong and that artifacts like the Ten Commandments and Christ’s Two Commandments are just — what’s the trash talk dismissal? — The Flying Spaghetti Monster

What does atheism do for you philosophically? It makes you think. And then it makes you realize. Inevitably. There are no rules. That’s the thing. Youngsters think, “We know there are rights and wrongs. We don’t need no God to hold us in line.” 

But then you get on into life. The logic is relentless, inevitable. If there is nothing after my death, it does not matter what I do with my life. I can go after whatever I want. There are NO rights or wrongs. At all. Morality ceases to exist because it has no meaning with no prospect of afterlife. Everyman might as well be a serial killer. Only the scared ones don’t indulge.

Which is what people of all genders are doing. Why the churches are cesspools of sin. Why every profession is corrupt. Why both men and women are at the very least part-time whores with no allegiances to anyone, not even their own offspring. Drugs? Want’em? Get’em. Sex? However, whoever, who cares, because… when I die I’m done and I got laid way more times and ways than you ever did.

This is how civilizations die. Why Evolution as a theory of random change over millennia is wrong. Why all the smartypants Brit intellectuals in every field have their head stuffed completely up their arse.

The random rule of life’s adventure is just wrong. Completely wrong. Every single person on earth needs meaning. Why life survives. Herbert Marcuse was an idiot who never understood the meaning of meaning.


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