The Facts have been checked!

USA Today fact-checkers were all over me for linking a Gateway Pundit post pooh-poohing Dem evidence of a plot. Fact-checkers are hard at work trying to prove that dismissing the notion of Pelosi getting hammered by a MAGA terrorist is dangerous “misinformation,” for which its consumers must be punished as severely as the originators. You know the meme war is lost in propaganda terms when your big lie provokes instant laughter in everyone listening. Click the pic below for the text of the FrontPageMag story. It’s funny enough, although I’m thinking I may be the only one still looking for the missing updates on Pelosi’s health status. Nobody cares about his physical well being on either side of the aisle. The Fact-Checkers will be all over you on this one, Kurt Schlichter. It’s absolutely not true that “ Nobody is buying the Bug Lie about a MAGA attacker. See?