Back to the Future with Mister Coffee

With apologies to: EDGAR ALLAN POE For Coffee Thank Heaven! the crisis, The danger, is past, And the lingering illness Is over at last— And the fever called "Keurig" Is conquered at last. Sadly, I know I am shorn of caffeine, And no muscle I move, As I ponder the scene, But no matter!— I feel I am milder of mien. The moaning and groaning, The sighing and sobbing, Are quieted now, With that horrible throbbing At heart:—ah, that horrible, Horrible throbbing! The sickness—the nausea— The pitiless pain— Have ceased, with the fever That maddened my brain— With the fever called "Keurig" That burned in my brain. And oh! of all tortures That torture the worst Has abated—the terrible Torture of thirst For an absent Mister— By mere fashion accurst— Replaced by a monster That filled mugs with thirst: Of a monster that sucks, With a vacuuming whine, The water for coffee Imagined by schmucks,...