
Showing posts from February, 2019

Back to the Future with Mister Coffee

With apologies to: EDGAR ALLAN POE For Coffee Thank Heaven! the crisis, The danger, is past, And the lingering illness Is over at last— And the fever called "Keurig" Is conquered at last. Sadly, I know I am shorn of caffeine, And no muscle I move, As I ponder the scene, But no matter!— I feel I am milder of mien. The moaning and groaning, The sighing and sobbing, Are quieted now, With that horrible throbbing At heart:—ah, that horrible, Horrible throbbing! The sickness—the nausea— The pitiless pain— Have ceased, with the fever That maddened my brain— With the fever called "Keurig" That burned in my brain. And oh! of all tortures That torture the worst Has abated—the terrible Torture of thirst For an absent Mister— By mere fashion accurst— Replaced by a monster That filled mugs with thirst: Of a monster that sucks, With a vacuuming whine, The water for coffee Imagined by schmucks,...

Dutch Uncle Time

Guess I have to suspend the lackadaisical tone around here for a shoutout to the old FB pals, the Knew-It-All ORCs, the paranoid Trumpsters, and the lip-smacking cynics among you. You’re scaring the horses, meaning the ones who follow the lead of the direst voices and deepest, darkest signposts of disaster. False alarms all round. All the polls about who’s a socialist and WTF socialism is anyway are not a story. Nobody knows how to write such a poll, conduct it scientifically, or evaluate the results honestly. All the jibber jabber about the Cohen dude is a total meaningless waste of time. People living their lives at least partway off the internet do not give a rat’s ass about a crooked lawyer testifying under oath (HaHaHa) to crooked politicians of every sex and dirty desire in the land. The Prez breaking off talks with the NoKo’s is not a problem of any kind. It’s a step, a very obvious and long overdue step, of teaching a belligerent, greedy, undisciplined child the meaning o...

NonPiquitur Seqs — QUEEFTEEFA

Every so often, I have to go through the 10,000 images on my iPad with a fine-toothed comb looking for graphics I’ve used already and are therefore erasable because safely eternal on the Internet. The only way I can keep forging ahead on disk space capacity that is more clogged with insanity than what’s-her-name’s simulacrum of a brain. When I find something I haven’t used yet I can throw it into this new category and post it here, then — TADA! — delete it. This one I created as a favor to an FB friend who was finally getting really mad at gross, man-hating femfascists. He wanted a kind of faux target to focus his written hostilities and satirical jibes on. I made up QUEEFTEEFA for him. He came close to thanking me, which is all FB friends can manage when you give them a laugh, a good idea, or a helpful suggestion. Then he did with it what FBers always do with their finds. Nothing. Recently, I encountered him doing one of the popular new 10-Word Poster Lectures on the need to b...

Historical Artifact, 1969 (File Preservation Only)

Casual readers should disregard this post. It’s for record keeping purposes only. For the relentlessly curious (fat chance in 2019) there’s a story that goes with it, called ” How Old Am I? ”.

NonPiquitur Seqs of the Day

Alex O’Castoroil-Borg Alexandria Ocreepio-Borgia Alexandra Occrasio-Crupperz Alexandra  Obtusio-CCPcupzz You choose.

Honoring Honor

Heard they did some Oscar preening the other night, so I thought it would be a good time to talk about movie iconography that’s actually interesting. It’s hard to get much more iconic than Honor Blackman, whose place in cinematic history transcends the phony glamour of the Academy Awards. I knew I had to do this small homage as soon as I read the opening paragraph of her IMDB entry , which immediately captures the difference between a Hollywood Star and a cultural touchstone. The rest of the brief bio explains the timeless allure: Comparing this sultry-eyed blonde to Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich may seem a bit overzealous, but Honor Blackman's stylish allure over the years cannot be denied. One of four children, Blackman was born in London's East End to a statistician father employed with the civil service and a homemaker mother. She received diction lessons as a teenager and later attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. She temporarily followed in her ...

Block Lifted.

Score one for the good guys, whoever and wherever they are. Good to go for now. We’ll see, won’t we?

Disaster of the Day

Another Keurig Machine gives up the ghost like a total wuss. Back to real coffee technology for us. Enough with this newfangled incompetent millennial gimcrackery.

Happy Thoughts

Thanks to Jim H. For sharing this today. Joy is a free emotion.

Ah. Now It’s Clear. FB has Blocked* This Entire Site.

You can’t get here from there. Even if I don’t care, maybe you should should. Bookmark us and check in from time to time to see what level of ridicule, satire, and unambiguous opinion is too politically incorrect for the social network internees. Who knows? They may get around to you eventually. Or are you careful enough never to really say anything that might be unacceptably unorthodox? * Because I made fun of Alex Ocasio-Cortez and producer Dick Wolf in an obviously faux scandal report. Scroll to find the post. Read other stuff too. Just don’t comment. Promise I won’t tell anyone you were here on the wrong side of the MSM tracks.

The Illiterate Fascists at Facebook

This in my Notifications at Facebook just minutes ago. A famous recording of a famous classic song from 1926. But whoever is running the Ministry of Truth at FB is so poorly educated they think it’s something else. What I don’t know. Keep hanging out there, all you FBers. Eventually, they’ll sell you the rope they’ll hang you with. Here’s the song that violates their Community Standards. The only text was “Going out on a high note...” Background  on the song, courtesy of Google.  UPDATE: Appeal denied. Post still banned.

Imagine that.

Your amazing coincidence for the day.

Where’s the FBI S.W.A.T. Team When You Need Them?

The New York Sun has an important summary for the record by Conrad Black : <<For more than two years, the United States and the world have had two competing narratives: that an elected president of the United States was a Russian agent whom the Kremlin helped elect; and its rival narrative that senior officials of the Justice Department, FBI, CIA, and other national intelligence organizations had repeatedly lied under oath, misinformed federal officials, and meddled in partisan political matters illegally and unconstitutionally and had effectively tried to influence the outcome of a presidential election, and then undo its result by falsely propagating the first narrative. It is now obvious and indisputable that the second narrative is the correct one. The authors, accomplices, and dupes of this attempted overthrow of constitutional government are now well along in reciting their misconduct without embarrassment or remorse because — in fired FBI Director James Comey’...

A Super Hoax Still Unfolding

  Just click on the pic to see the relevant movie clip. It started as a stunt. One intended to make a point inside the Democrat Party, but not to overturn the applecart. The instigator was Dick Wolf, famed as the executive producer and chief ‘ripped-from-the-headlines’ jokester of the long-running hit show Law & Order . Wolf is a lifelong Democrat loyalist, probably more limousine liberal than Commie left wing, who has used his show business chops in service to New York causes and biases for decades. No one else in the entertainment biz made more attempts to demolish Donald Trump before he became dangerous than Dick Wolf. Under a variety of fictional names, wearing a variety of sinister actor faces, Trump has been tried for murder, murdered himself, tortured by publicly messy and fatal divorces, implicated in every kind of white collar and mob-related crime from extortion to sexual trafficking, and been reduced to ruin generally more than a dozen times in Wolf’s  Law ...

Obama Embassy Under Fire

News about the Obama Embassy and Theme Park in South Chicago: << Construction on the   Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects   and Interactive Design–planned campus was expected to begin sometime this year, but it seems that community concerns may shake up that timeline. A lawsuit filed against Chicago and the Chicago Park District by the environmental group Protect Our Parks and three others argues that the Obama Foundation’s intrusion into the park, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is illegal. That’s in part because the Center won’t   actually be a presidential library . Instead, the campus will contain a squat, stone-clad museum tower, training center, parking garage, and community hub, as well as a 5,000-square-foot Chicago Public Library offshoot, with President Obama’s archives stored offsite and digitized. That distinction is important, as the OPC will be a privately-run institution instead of a government project an...

The Creative Black Hole of the Baby Boomers

There’s a big subject I’ve written an article about. Even did some research. It’s about the fact that the Great Baby Boom Generation (about which I’m an expert ) has accomplished virtually nothing in the primary creative arts. 60 years worth of zilch. This is for all of you born between August 1945 and the end of 1964. You are not immune from the implications even if you’re not a writer, musician, fine artist, or filmmaker. There’s probably an equally huge black hole in your own discipline, your own field of endeavor. You are, many of you, protected from knowledge of this because you don’t know much of anything about what happened before your sex hormones kicked in. You should read this for the moment of recognition that what I’m saying is true and the lack of accomplishment by an entire huge generation shouldn’t be completely invisible. But it has been. Just like your own accomplishments. Blogger can’t format my article or my lists. So I’m sending you here . Have fun.

VDH and Me

Two complementary articles about presidential coups that might be illuminating to read side by side. Victor Davis Hanson has just published this gem, Autopsy of a Dead Coup , well worth reading in full. It names names and is clear about dates. My own piece was written back in the first week of January when there was a momentary flurry of impeachment ecstasy about some faux news story that reigned unchecked in the MSM for a day or two. The beginning of Nixon’s Watergate Downfall is reproduced below. The rest is at Deerhound Diary. This is not a new game the Dems are playing. But they’re upping the ante even as they’re lowering their standards to a banana republic level. My opening paragraphs: Rip <<When have we seen a presidential coup before? History can be instructive, regardless of how passé (or rewritten) it has become. Much foam-specked spewing beginning anew yesterday about the word illustrated below. The oldest and wisest historians among us can remember all the w...

Great to be back home...


Your Facebook Highlight of the Day

The real president who should be behind bars. You don’t need FB. Come here instead. An important summary of the last two years of sedition and treason. Plus the questions the MSM still refuses to ask. After the Coup  by Julie Kelly. If you’re not deeply angry and resolved to find and punish the traitors, there’s something wrong with you.

The Real Appeal Of Occlusio-Cortex

Lisa Schiffren dares to use one of those newly unmentionable words that used to pepper water cooler conversations among the “not getting any” crowd at work. She’s right as far as she goes, but I will go farther. The particular kind of sexual desire Ocasio-Cortez unleashes in many men is probably not just primally lustful but feral and tinged with violence, like the cliché of the bossy but hot cheerleader brutally victimized in the movie industry genres of serial killer and slasher films. The desire not just to copulate with, but to dominate, humiliate, and destroy. As enacted on the casting couches of generations of film producers and directors (and other species of pimps), for whom the extorted submission on the loveseat is only the beginning of the real release, the unfolding of long-term subjugation and sadistic turns of life/movie plots ending in the discard of a used up, man-made whore. Think of lions spitting and clawing as they mate with the lionesses who do their...

A Message from the Shuteye Train?

Some kind of technical glitch probably. I was working a new personal website with a site provider I’ve used over a dozen times before for various applications, including Shuteye Town and Shuteye Nation. I’d been having some access problems, predictably Facebook related, when I returned to my my completed First Page to discover an image file there I had not inserted myself. Definitely not one of mine. I had never seen it before. What’s more, the insert defied the format of the software, which required creation of an onscreen window to accept each image file. There was no such window. It was just there, wider than the screen, clipped left, right, and bottom. I had to save it to see what it was. And amazingly, I was able to save it. Shouldn’t have been able to given its status as an image without a software home, so to speak. It’s the image you see above. Now look at this. Many months ago I had done some graphic work on an Edward Hopper painting that seemed suggestive to me. Take a l...

How Popular Does Trump Have to Be?

Jennifer Rubin is my lefty weathervane. Why I’ve kept her on my Friend list at FB all these years. Her level of insanity at any given time has become indicative of where the DNC’s head is at the moment. About ten days ago, she posted another of her worried mom confidences about Beto O’Rourke, which prompted me to write the following comment: “Question for all you Rubin acolytes. Now think about this before you answer. Why does Rubin keep pining for Beto? At best he's a failed senate candidate with some disturbing eccentricities. She was not impressed by the dental video. She suggests he is not ready to be a national candidate. But she keeps on talking about him, wistfully I think. Why? Because she is scared to death. The available Dem candidates add up to total disaster. Biden would be 79 at his inauguration. Elizabeth Warren is a laughingstock for her Native American fantasy. Kamala Harris is an out-and-out Socialist, neither charming nor intelligent. Bernie Sanders is anoth...

Facebook Still Trying to Tempt Me with Memories

They sent me this one today. It’s a good one. One of my favorite pictures of Buster . No need to take the link. The pic’s already here. But this is a good time to talk about what happens when you do take a Facebook link from here. Facebook doesn’t want you to come back here. So the back button goes back to where you were in FB. But InstaPunk Returns should still be shown on the top menu bar of your device. You’ll get used to how it works. Easy as pi. Back with the usual powerful, hard-hitting stuff later.

Greetings to Facebook Friends

Welcome to my new HQ. I will no longer be posting regularly at Facebook. It is confining, deadening, and unrelentingly annoying. My previous InstaPunk site, InstaPunk Rules, is actually full, with over a thousand posts that are still accessible. Time for a new hangout. This is it. Plenty of elbow room and the coffee’s not bad. Let me show you around the place. In the upper left of the screen, there’s a Menu icon. It lists individual pages of InstaPunk Returns additional to the posts you’ll always see listed here on the Main Page. These other pages will be selections from my previous blogs and other work that I think stands the test of time. They’re not all filled in yet because I’m still unpacking boxes from the move, and my back hurts. They’ll get up to speed by and by. More pages will be added later as inspiration strikes and time permits. I will be keeping an eye on Facebook, of course, and will probably link and comment on posts as I have in the past, only from here inst...