Chelsea Handler as VIP Opinion Maker

Standard issue aging pop tart with an S&M streak..

Back in the News for this Time Magazine VIP. You don’t know her? C’mon dudes. She’s, you know, the hot topic of a decade or so ago. Even has  her own Wiki page:

Always been a leader on women’s issues and other progressive causes. Remember her from this brave stance she made on the Supreme Court’s Roe decision, part of the vanguard of a new movement that got a bunch of pregnancy clinics burned down? Kewl.

Why, I guess, we’re supposed to trust her on transgender issues because the poor dears who don’t have real breasts and vaginas have every right to kill people, only we shouldn’t make it so easy for them to get guns. 

What is life like if you have no formal education of any kind but do possess real breasts and a vagina? Like this apparently…

Trash is always trash when all is said and done.


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