Is there a hot new organizational force in the Pro-Roe ranks?

A surprise leader of the new organization has emerged with a bang, so to speak.

To put it mildly, not all the rabid pro-abortion types are entirely happy with the physical appearance of some of their not too well groomed sistren.

This is when it began to seem to some that a new beat was called for.

A first strike against the “negative image” projected by many of the protesters at the Supreme Court was struck the second night of the SCOTUS encampment. There’s actually more than one version of their inaugural photograph making the rounds. Here’s one arrived by snail mail in a brown envelope.

Not surprisingly, some of the more veteran hotties have been quick to jump on the bandwagon.




Chelsea Handler

Kamalto Harris

Joy Behar

Still, it would seem that the real star of this new show-and-yell campaign is going to be Miley Cyrus, who has gathered the necessary funds for a rollout of coast-to-coast billboards (where legal, which they aren’t everywhere. Not yet.)

Here’s the new message and the new face of Pro-Roe protest.

This is a developing story, and we have it on good authority that more big names are already planning to make their personal image statements in support. Stay tuned…

For the moment we’ll close with a link and a quote from John Nolte. From his article  “11 Ways Dems Helped Overturn Roe v Wade”:

<<When actress Michelle Williams won a Golden Globe in 2020, she told the world that the left does not see abortion as an unfortunate necessity but a tool of empowerment.

While holding her golden calf, Williams said she would not have won that award had she not been allowed to kill her unborn baby.

“I wouldn’t have been able to do this without employing a woman’s right to choose,” she said.


Michelle Williams


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