The Atheism Deformity — Part 2


You see. What they don’t see. The atheist view. The Dawkins view. He is not responsible for explaining how parameciums got here, only how parameciums became the Vatican. Except he doesn’t put it that way. His job is the childishly simple task of explaining how the Law of Entropy (all things fall apart, the only law any scientist accepts) somehow gives us Shakespeare, Blake, and Tilden, the author of the King James Bible.

Evolutionists think they’re not responsible for how life came to be. Did you know that? Whole different question to them. Not their job. All that sky out there? Billions of stars. Irrelevant.

Galapagos Island. Moths with changing wings. That’s the job of the Blind Watchmaker. Why he is smarter than God and a critic of his work.

Well, I’m asking you all to forget the partitioning off of the heavens. And everything else you have to forget to believe there’s no meaning in life. Life.

To me, the funniest thing about the evolutionary spiels is how they always argue for intention and then withdraw intention at the last second. They got bigger to get stronger and more successful as predators, but that was just a mutational accident. They grew wings to fly, great kings of the air, but that was only a, you know, random event. Eyes, vision, developed five times completely independently, but that was never for the purpose of seeing, only random mutations in a certain direction.

It’s all bullshit. And you all mostly believe in Darwin’s Evolution. Except that even he wouldn’t. Because he was a scientist. He said, “If a generation’s fossils don’t show transitional species, then I will be proven wrong,” He was wrong. There are no transitional fossils. Nowhere in the fossil record.

Species just show up. Fully developed, cool as hell, and ready to rumble. There is no pre-Tiger. There’s just a Tiger, Orange with black stripes, 600 pounds of murder without an ancestor to be found.

This would be funny, except that it isn’t. 

There is clearly a counterpoint to the law of entropy. A law that puts things together for a purpose. Ooh. What Steven left out of his articles in airline magazines, and why Dawkins had to kill him. 

Sigh. What we don’t realize, any of us who bow down to the “scientists,” is that when they blank out the whole night-time sky, they are also blanking out the evidence of everyday life.

Nature is an intricate, beautiful dance, pollen and butterflies and hummingbirds, tropical rainforests, tundra, and the dogs and humans who thrive there… almost as if life is some kind of quantum computer, manifesting itself in every conceivable way because that is its purpose.

Think for yourself. You’re on the beach. You smell the salt. You hear the roar of surf. You feel the sand under your body. You taste the air, which is like no other air. And you, like Dawkins, think none of this amazing confluence of life’s best sensations, has any meaning

Tell me that again. It has no meaning.

Next up… Proof.


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