The Suicide Generation

This woman is disgusting. So are most of us. Genuine atheists and those in denial, too.

No intention of making fun here. No irony on my mind. It’s not just the Roe activists. It’s not racial. It’s everyone. 

Let me set the scene. I’m sitting listening right now to 60s soul. Not just the stars but the frisbeeing slew of .45 records that made people believe, more than MLK, that here were voices who knew more about love than white people, whose burr of voice rolled through bedrooms and rustled curtains with something dark, delicious, and ineffable.

The picture up top makes that a joke. Okay. 

Yes, it’s a form of ethnic, even eugenic suicide, passionately believed in. But it’s hardly an anomaly. It’s everyone in the world.

I have smelled the earthen, living, smell of the black nurses who looked after my wasted, blank, white grandmother. It wasn’t sexual. I was still a kid. I knew they were helping her keep living. Though in my teens, I did once kiss the cheek of the one who had done the most for my grandparents. It embarrassed her. But I think she understood. I was in her house on a street less than a hundred yards as the crow flies from my grandmother’s manse. It was unpainted, blackly-gray, never painted, rickety, and by calling on her she thought I had invaded her dignity. The dignity of her poverty.

Thing is is this. I have a forty year career of learning that suicide is on everyone’s mind. Everyone wants the things. Whether you’re a thug in the streets or a professional on the make. The women don’t want children, because why would they? The men don’t want love because it doesn’t exist any more than God does. What do they want? Acreage, square footage, Porsche, Merc and BMW titles, because what else is there? They dye their hair, their lawns, even their baby daughters’ pictures in hopes of someday stardom they don’t really want but employ only as a diversion from the flat fucking emptiness of it all. Things.

And they are not alone. Lawyers who don’t believe in justice, doctors who don’t believe in healing, teachers who know nothing at all but pretend to know grammar and arithmetic for the sake of their union pensions, civil servants of every kind who believe the people who earn so much less than they do exist only to serve them and their own platinum pension plans.

Suicide. An international obsession. All of Europe wants to die. Americans think they’re wanton sex maniacs. Yeah, they’ve tried every position but parenthood. They can’t replace themselves. Time for muslims who do believe in God to come and cut their clits, throats, and lives short. Amazingly, a lot of the women are ready for that.

Even China wants to die. (Longer argument, for later…)

Now, more recently, Americans want to die. Childless, sexless, ambitionless, giving it all up in the name of a planet that will survive just fine no matter what the unformed minds of a tiny fraction of the earth’s weight (0.00001 percent, just less than ants amount to).

Their sexual fantasies are no longer about sex. They’re about the annihilation of the human race. Gets their juices flowing. Wet panties at Bryn Mawr over Climate Change Extermination of the Human Race.  Thinking we need a new term: Cosmo-Lesbo-Necrophilia. Look it up.

Thing is, technocrat billionaires have no intention of dying. They know there’s nothing to it. The Earth warms. The Earth cools. Millennium after Millennium. After hundreds of Millenniums. They only plan to be here for another hundred years or so. Who gives a flying fuck. But fooling you does give their old limpies the semblance of a hard-on. Good going, bitches. Girl power. Everyone knows girls suck at math.

Might have been Elise. No telling now.

She was there but not
She almost breathed
Her mother thought her
Not a lot. And not a spot,
No stain forever wreathed
In forget-me-nots.

Biden is a mass murderer. He needs to be removed from office. How many thousands has he killed since taking office? Maybe hundreds of thousands. Does he care? No. Sniff sniff.



  1. Brilliant commentary as always. Sheesh I wish Breitbart/Townhall would hire you as an editor and columnist.


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