The Paws of Elliott

 My Boy

He was the Mike Tyson of tomcats. They weren’t paws. They were clubs.

He was the undefeated champion of all cats in Elsinboro Township. Never scratched me once. We made a deal that first day at the PetSmart. He knew women were deciding his fate, talking, talking, talking about him. I didn’t feel welcome in the discussion. I got up to leave the too-small room bulging with women’s voices. And then he caught my eye. Caught, like the way those paws captured and killed so often in later life, MY eye. His eye said, “I know who you are. Why you know who I am. See you in the parking lot.”

We did. He was my cat from then on. Watch the movie. You can still find it in remainder bins all across our bountiful land. The human part is played by Sam Elliott. Cool.


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