The Epstein Files and the Sinkhole of Sex
I wrote my own article about the most visible aspects of the American sex crisis at my short-lived Substack site back in September 2023. It was titled “The Two-Headed Monster of Pedophilia” and led off with this video, which was meant to highlight not just Epstein and Weinstein but the scary overlap between politics and Hollywood when it comes to sex.
Here’s how the post began:
<<It has seemed to me that the ongoing programming of children In precocious sexual awareness and promulgation of gender confusion as a formal part of elementary and middle school education is not just a political assault on traditional family values.
It is also very likely that we have a very much larger incidence of pedophilic sexual obsession among the nation’s most wealthy and powerful men. All the talk of grooming is not rhetoric. It’s happening in hundreds of schools in dozens of states.
Our elites have become nihilists. Even many so-called conservatives are involved in creating a new culture in which there are no real rights and wrongs. What adherents of Ayn Rand have never understood is that her famously attractive creed of self interest above all is the same kind of slippery slope that propels socialism through Marxism and Soviet Communism to absolute totalitarianism.
The Randians are similarly at risk. They pretend that there is some acquired standard of basic morality that no longer requires the maintenance of faith in a universal power above Mankind. They think they can think their way through the moral choices to come. But they can’t.
When there is no justice that transcends law because it resides in the human heart and mind, the rule of law becomes an empty shell. If we will never be held to account for following self interest wherever it leads as long as our actions are not exposed or, worse, punishable by a moral cultural consensus, the rule of law, the role of faith, and the possibility of restraining the worst of human appetites are gone. We become barbarians driving Bimmers to the end of civilization.
This is actually the prelude to a longer discussion you’ll find linked here in hours or days [or months] to come.>>
I’m writing this post because I was not surprised that the grand assertion the Epstein Files would be released immediately in the new Trump Administration would do a faceplant. The problem the Epstein case signifies is far larger than I believe anyone realizes. What we’re dealing with here is not just sick sex, though pedophilia in all its forms is sick indeed, but with an epidemic of profound sex sickness that affects everyone as either victim or perpetrator.
The controversial and sensitive issue has taken center stage in Congress this week, with female lawmakers making fresh allegations of sexual harassment against unnamed members who are currently in office, and the unveiling of a new bill on Wednesday to change how sexual harassment complaints are reported and resolved. On Thursday, a woman shared her story of being groped and kissed without her consent by Sen. Al Franken in 2006.
So far, there’s been little specific data to help illuminate just how pervasive sexual harassment is on Capitol Hill, but one figure has emerged: the total that the Office of Compliance, the office that handles harassment complaints, has paid to victims.
On Thursday, the Office of Compliance released additional information indicating that it has paid victims more than $17 million since its creation in the 1990s. That includes all settlements, not just related to sexual harassment, but also discrimination and other cases.
An OOC spokeswoman said the office was releasing the extra data “due to the interest in the awards and settlement figures.” The OOC has come under fire in recent days for what lawmakers and Hill aides alike say are its antiquated policies that do not adequately protect victims who file complaints.
CNN has also learned that during the current Congress, no settlement payment approval requests have been made to the congressional committee charged with approving them.>>
Sorry for doing all this quoting, but it’s the only way to get a clear view of the gross absurdities we are being asked to live with. In some ways the problem facing the culture is too big to wrap one’s arms around. Hence the following graphic of the current state of the feminine in our nation.
All our gender confusion does not represent any progress or redefinition. It’s simply a collective admission that gender identities maintained for five,or ten or twenty millennia have collapsed. Men are no longer men for the most part. The intellectual component (expressed in every life, even the most physically focused) that endows men with creativity, courage, curiosity, and perseverance is a fossil. Graduates of professional schools are no longer members of an ethical or aspirational community of colleagues. Even the supposedly smart one are diploma holders from the Harvard, Yale, and Princeton trade schools, dialed into the coin and toys (including pussy) and titles. Aspiration has become greed mixed with paranoia and immersion in the lowest appetites, valued because they offer short-term gratification and somehow, presumably, proof of life.
Here’s the iconic form that describes their plight…
Women prefer the pyramid, of course, which they conceive as a male manifestation of power. Why they’ve been so her for so long about the patriarchy, which they have decided to replace by building their own, one layer at a time, and throwing the stones of the old one in the trash. Don’t fool yourselves thwt there’s anything incomplete about the version shown above. Its base is the biggest of big female stars, who takes up two rows all by theirself. It also contains the feints at identity by the ones who aren’t as big and horizon-filling. If you can’t be enormous, you can have the biggest booty, or the (hopefully) glamorous-est image and official rank. Why we have also have rail-thin nepots (i.e., successes by association) related to the President and Vice President, as well as hostages from the defeated male side of the increasingly lopsided equation, and at the very pinnacle a starved pinhead fossil of the fight still breathing with pharmacological help.
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