Will the Pelosi Creature be in attendance tonight?


Yes, she’s fading away. But But I wouldn't put it past her to go off one last time.

It’s that time of day when I should be putting the Times to bed and I haven’t gotten past the preliminary research sweep. Strikes me that with the State of the Union upon us tonight, all the news out there is really like a big pre-game marathon like they bore us to death with before the Super Bowl. I’ve made an editorial decision to publish the next issue only after the speech and any fireworks surrounding it are over. 

Maybe it’s a sign of age but my thoughts keep turning to Nancy Pelosi. I checked the usual,lefty browsers to see if there was any Pelosi statement forthcoming about her attendance. All found was — not what you’d expect exactly — multiple references to her stateswomanish concerns before the 2024 SOTU, what with her being the best Congressional custodian of rhe decorum required for such signature national events. This was typical:

How like her to send out discreet warnings to the Republicans and the new Speaker of the House about her expectations regarding rowdies in the Party of Lincoln.

Google, of course, was itself far too discreet to remind anyone of this exemplary behavior by the Speaker in Trump’s first term.

My guess is I’ve spent more time and effort tracking the charms of Nancy Pelosi than most. I spent a good part of the day digging up old posts I’d written about the heartless one in San Francisco as far back as her Speaker election in 2006. Some great hilarious stuff but not enough time left to do a thoughtful “Best of” medley. That’ll turn up eventually, either here or at the Curmudgeon warehouse. For now I’m going to give your memories a quick jog, and hopefully your funny bones too with a few archetypal images and just one citation from the old Instapunk.com.

Here’s a quick video inside the Blogger time limits:

I’d love it if she showed up at Capitol in her Native African ensemble.

And here’s a carefully chosen set of portraits showing us the “Lioness in Winter.

Pretty sure AOC will never replace her. Can’t win that one with glued-on claws. 
But just imagine what one of these faces were caught on camera at the entrance 
doorway of the Capitol chamber tonight. Mika and Joe would be tongue-tied…

Now for my well-earned unkindest cut to close this out. Have you ever wondered about the most important moment in her whole life before ascending to the throne of Speakerdom? I don’t believe there’s any answer to that question more likely to be true than the one referenced (and linked, wait for it…) at the old uncensored blog Instapunk:

No, no, it’s not reproduced. No need to try reading the pic. The original is here in all its naked url honesty (the links in text mostly work, sometimes slowly):


It’s only one of many such reports on the adventures of America’s only female Speaker of the House, a feat that may never be repeated…

I’ll be seeing some of you at the Times after Trump’s speech and all the caterwauling that’s bound to ensue. Have a great evening and don’t fret about a damn thing. Nobody who knows anything ever thought restoration of the United States would be easy. But it will be easier without this particular Nancypants. Don’t ever forget how bad Democrats can get.


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