Because I Dug It All Up…
Compiled all this yesterday and today, initially because I was looking for Pelosi posts dating back to her first tenure as Speaker, which. I thought you might enjoy. But as I continued hunting during the speech I began to realize that I revisiting a truth far too few people seem to remember if they ever knew it. Our nation is cut in half as if by a monster meat cleaver, on the one side the representatives who stood and cheered and wept at a little boy dying of cancer getting a wish come true, and on the other side an equal number of representatives who sat on their hands and rolled their eyes at the same little boy.
It was not Trump who wielded the cleaver. It was the subset of Americans represented by the Democrat representatives in Congress who sat on their hands for everything Trump had to say. Early surveys of the television audience that watched Trump’s speech indicate that more than 75 percent of viewers approved of what the President of the United States had to say.
Trump’s enemies have tried to blame him for the unprecedented 10-year war they have waged against every aspect of the 45th (and now 47th) President’s family, financial wealth, political freedom, personal liberty, and even his life. They lie.
Trump did not initiate the forces that have been the nation apart by riding that escalator in 2015, into the filthy realm of contemporary American national politics. He was simply the ultimate whistleblower. He knew how much was wrong, how much had been going wrong throughout the 21st Century, and he was the one man with the courage to say, “No. It has to be stopped here. And now.” Which meant that he had to be destroyed at all costs.
The proof of what I’m saying is in the texts linked here. One year’s worth of my observations and commentary on the multiple dimensions of American life that were in the process of corrupting the nation unto death. Trump isn’t even mentioned in the texts below. One year’s worth out of 10 in which the relevant topics included sports, technology, automobiles, movies, television, music, books, poetry, education, science, economics, religion, political philosophy, major national events, and the personal experience of life with dogs, cats, and other extended family in the oldest county in in one of the first three states in our union. In short, the whole life of a thinking person who has lived a long time through both success and failure with both eyes open.
I’m putting this before you all now because last night’s speech was an invitation to take a hard look at how we got to a place where half the Government’s power rests in the hands of those who hate everything about the United States of America, including their own duly elected President.
How will you know I’m showing you the unvarnished proof of what I wrote while it was all happening? Because is an historical artifact under lock and key in the Wayback Machine. I couldn’t edit it even if I wanted to. It carries its own context with it, dates confirmed by other events happening at the same time. (Dates are the only search criterion available, so hunting and pecking for inconvenient mentions is also impossible.) I wrote as prodigiously as I did, and so continuously, because I knew the nation I’d been born to was in trouble and getting worse every day.
Another proof is that I made predictions in these posts that turned out to be right. Not the outcome of every election, to be sure, but about the nation’s direction and peril. You’ll find that most of the internal links work (some slower to answer the click than others), but even links to contemporary external op-eds in WAPO, for example, come through as they no longer tolerate behind their pay wall today. The fact is that this is one slice of history in a sealed bottle. A few photos, graphics, and videos are gone, but these are mostly withdrawn by theirmown originators for various causes, not me.
One year out of 10. Instapunk had enough of a following that the domain name is still up for auction for a price of more than $5,000, which I certainly can’t afford with all the writing I do for free.
You’re welcome to share this material as widely as you want, including my custom graphics, and I’d even be pleased if you copy any posts you like and print them out into the real world of paper and ink and files the a internet cannot crush by accident or malicious intent.
Eventually I’ll probably move all this to the archive portion of this and other websites. Until then, consult it at your leisure, a little or a lot at a time. Hope it offers some insight you’re ready for.
Week N/A but for Dean Barnett:
Week of November 2006 election (Earth blows up, etc)
Week of November 16, 2006 (Pelosi, Pelosi, Harvard-Penn, and Bill Maher)
Week of November 21, 2006 (a Hobbit in Iran, the Passion of the Bobby)
from December 1, 2006 (Serendiptity, Pelosi implant pics)
[Also the damaged whole 12/1/06 week filed/interesting link to Michael Kinsley column in WAPO)
The Week of December 7, 2006 (negotiating with Iran, forgetting Pearl Harbor)
Week of Dec 18, 2006 (Intro of TruePunk, Eagles foorball, Holocaust II, and definition of Oversight)
Dec 23, 2006 (Richard Dawkins, Joy Behar & The View, Politits, the Gnostic Party)
Week of Jan 1, 2007 (Happy New Year, Ford funeral)
Week of January 4, 2007 (Pelosi right after Speakership oath)
Week of January 12, 2007: (outstanding IP example posts, Buchwald, worst actress, age of tolerance)
Week of Jan 19, 2007 (Rain Man, Baldilocks, Accomplices, Unitas/Manning)
Week of February 1, 2007 (IP to Iraq, Assessing the POTUS candidates, Biden trashed,
Week of Feb 8, 2007 (Grammy fun w/Dixie Chicks, Preview of Romney candidacy, Dean Barnett & Hugh Hewitt)
Week of Feb 20, 2007 (BBC (anti)America, New Fundamentalism for Narcissists, John Edwards scandal, Suicide Fashion, good TV recommendations ,
Week,of Feb 28, 2007 (Patterico, Oscars Week serious and funny, plus a classic IP post at about Hillary called Money Talks)
Week of March 2, 2007 (all Coulter, with a side of truth about the foulest mouths in the blogosphere)
Week of March 10, 2007 (Global Warming, the end of “24”)
Week of March 17, 2007 (Global Warming, Limbaugh & Dancing with the Stars, Neal Boortz Bulltzit, the Ace-of-Spades Lifestyle)
Week of March 23, 2007 (Marines who happen to be assholes, provocative/unkind art, LaShawn Barber’s Utopia)
Week of April 3, 2007 (The Shuteye Train, “We’re Brtiphobes,” and Pelosi)
Week of April 10, 2007 (Duke Lacrosse scandal, NancyGrace, talk radio’s Don Giordano, Don Imus & black basketball players & New Jersey, Pelosi)
HUGE! Week of April 17, 2007 (Global Warming, challenge to CO2 haters, Sheryl Crow’s TP, The End of Government, Shuteye Town 1999, Censorship of real violence photos)
Week of April 23, 2007 (the Gay Thing, the Oxford Union, Jonah Goldberg [!?], Robespierre and Ahmadinejad, Governor Corzine’s car accident, Buckley Surrenders)
Week of May 5, 2007 (Hillary, Jon Voight, Camille Paglia, Piaf and Segolène)
Week of May 12, 2007 (my outreach [in Spanish] to Hispanics in immigration issue, Helping Katie Couric Succeed as Anchor, “El Cristada” launched new Holy Crusade)
Week of May 18, 2007 ( Country Life, Quasidodo, Lefty Projection, Half-staffing the flag)
Week of May 29, 2007 (Z-Visas, Romney will never be President, the Blue Angels in South Jersey, Greyhounds)
Week of June 6, 2007 (Last Sopranos episode, Bush’s blind spot on immigration, French Derangement Syndrome, Where’s the Dark Matter?, D-Day,
HUGE! Week of June 14, 2007 ( Patterico an Ignoramus, Benjamin Spock, Reader Photo Challenge, Selective Paranoia, Global Infantilism, Earth to Michelle Malkin)
Week of June 28, 2007 (Bush and Pelosi, progressive iconography, Patterico*)
Week of July 4, 2007 (Philly sports talk radio, Independence Day, Troubke in the Bird Garden)
Week of July 10, 2007 (The Evolution Mess,the Coulter Test, the Roots of Instapunk, The Global Warming Horror Show)
Week of July 17, 2007 (Pajamas Media, Newt, Pelosi, Ali, the Reality Mess, the New Math of Abortion, Bin Laden Alive!)
Week of July 24, 2007 (Fine movies set in the cold, Commenters, the stour de Chance, the Friday Follies)
Week of July 31, 2007 (Pelosi/Whoopi/Baba Wawa on the View, Another NY Presumption, Can’t Let this One Go [Thomas/Hill/Slomin], Bin Laden Mystery, You Have to Love Us, Unconditionally)
Week of August 8, 2007 (BionicBaseball, Low-Carbon Lifestyles, Shakespeare’s Sister, A Primer on Minnesota, Endangered Habitats,
Week of August 16, 2007 (The Death of America, The Real Rove, RheWorst Species, The Butterfly Effect)
Week of August 24, 2007 (Playing with Fire)
Week of September 1, 2007 (Drooling for Nano-Cars, Wuzzadem, I’m just saying…, Monday Night Vickball, Remembering Sport,
Week of September 8, 2007 (College of Cardinals Meets in Milan, The future is Here)
Week of September 15, 2007 (Presidential Election Indefinitely Postponed, Snap Judgments, A Timely Rerun, Stop Crying/Start Building, Jersey Fun,
Week of September 22, 2007 (Advance Text of Bollinger’s Questions for Ahmadinejad, Misunderstood, In a Nutshell, Nixon Sues, It’s Lose-Lose for Obama, The Price of Talent,
Week of Sept 26, 2007 (Fantasies [Whoopi/Baba Wawa/Pelosi], Can’t Let This One Go [Thomas/Hill/Slomin], Another NY Presumption, The Bin Laden Mystery, “You have to love us, unconditionally…”)
Week of October 4, 2007 (Atlas Won’t Shrug, St. Anne in Crisis, The Moderate Thing [Altouse/Gore/Climate], Whoa Peggy [Noonan/Obama], Defending Limbaugh, Big Mother/X-Dudez Station)
Week of October 11, 2007: (The Friday Follies, Temple Football, Armenian Genocide, Damn Rockies, What’s Likely to Happen [2008 election], Transfiguration [Tom Brady], Historic Rendezvous [Instapundit/Althouse])
Week of October 18, 2007 (Youtube Wednesday, ‘Shattered Glass’ Part Deux, The Superior Conservative, death of a Season [Eagles])
Week of October 29, 2007 (Diamond State reeducation, What’s the Governor Supposed to Do?, Youtube Wednesday, Hillary Foes Rosa Kleb on Russert, Football/Baseball, You Knew Her/You Really Did [Hillary]
Week of November 4, 2007 (Playing the Gender Card, Rush’s Crush, Multimedia Leo, The Bush-Clinton-Bush Clinton Thing [Yale]
Week of November 20, 2007 (60 Minutes on Veterans Day, Veterans Day, Some Logical Implications, World Officially Insane, There’s no accounting for the Irish)
Week of November 28, 2007 (The Torture Paradox)
Week of December 6, 2007 (No a position in the Writers’ Strike, The Bright Eyes Syndrome, Football Uniforms, Comfortably Dumb, CNN’s Little Shop of Fakers,
Week of December 12, 2007 (The Friday Follies, Secret Wisdom, Republican Debate Ambush, Crashing the Global Warming Jet Set [+ a bunch of GW links], “Please…” [Billary], Punking the Atheists, Back to the Future with Hillary in ‘92/‘08)
Week of December 18, 2007 (The Kitty-Cat Worldview, McCain for President, Experience, Huh? [Hillary])
Miscellaneous Others Broken Out Separately…
Peace in Our Time, (Pelosi and Murtha)
Pelosi Campaign video:
Patterico Post from 2007:
Hillary ‘92 Campaign Video:
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