Ladies: You’re being demoted, set up, and thoroughly HAD.

The New War on Women, Part I

You don’t see it? Sure about that?

Let me set the scene for you with the specific trigger that inspired this post. If you’re watching some dark Danish soap opera miniseries on a streaming service, one of the things you have to overlook is the repetition ad nauseam of two or more commercials that seem to reappear every 20 minutes or so. Here’s a pair of them my wife and I suffered through a week or two ago, eventually in the second case becoming expert at hitting the mute button within nanoseconds.

The video I had here has been withdrawn from YouTube. The replacement 
features the same unsettling combo of autoerotic/homoerotic imagery.

It’s a cologne commercial. For men. Yes, definitely for men. For the ones who know which is the more beautiful sex when you’re comparing men and women. It’s got kind of a ‘come hither’ feeling about it, like come on over to our side and start living for a change. But maybe there’s also a message in there for women, a twofold message about beauty. I mean, God, look at this guy. He’s beautiful. He’s so beautiful he actually has to kiss the mirror. Could be time for sex hungry women (you know, the kind with operational vaginas) to quit chasing all those vile bad boys you can’t seem to resist, the ones who beat you up because they know what you know, that you’re really ugly and worthless and stupid and kind of disgusting to boot… which is the exact right place for the woke streaming services to insert the punchline of their little MadAve lesson in sexual attractiveness.:

We knew that. We all knew that, know that, and till now nobody wanted to talk about it, imagine it, or think about it at all. This is the second ad of the campaign btw, the first being an editing triumph of jump cutting to a different word after a letter ‘p’ obviously initiating ‘poop’ is uttered in voiceover. Can’t wait to see what the third ad will bring us. No women with vaginas are not special, in spite of their vaginatude, and if women could really compete in the beauty department, why was Michelangelo so clearly, brilliantly, adoringly gay? The competition may also poop, but they know how to dress, act, and perfume themselves in ways that the vagina crowd forgot about when they started protesting the patriarchy wearing wifebeaters showing off hairy armpits and the de rigeur menses-soaked jeans.

Speaking of which, how’s that nth-wave, girlpower, let it all hang out (literally) feminism working for you these days? This is what passes now as humorous wit to the woke witless:

Yes, you poop and you’re as foul-mouthed as any bad boy and you bleed a lot too. What could be worse? Oh. The whole 4 To 10+ year ordeal of ending the bleeding and everything that goes with that:

And just so you know we’re not playing any hypochondriac psychobabble games, here, there’s a new science that turns this into a syndrome as good for personal publicity as PTSD. We got introduced to PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) years ago and have acquiesced to its ever expanding definition that begins with the lunary semi-psychosis which captures all female American children as soon as they turn 12 or 13. We consoled ourselves with the fact that PMS must end when ovulation does. Just in time for the second quartile,of the 21st Century, though, we are now confronted by the prospect of VMS, the lengthy process by which the female proceeds through a series of temperature-induced fits to the bitter old age we can see at every tourist destination customs line. Those tracksuits, giant handbags, ravaged scowls, and the litanies of squawk too blackboard-scrapey to get away from…  and sure, the ‘experts’ will try to put a brave face on VMS, but only a fool can’t draw the right inference from the fact that VMS rhymes with PMS and never the Twain shall cease chasing each other’s tails through the populace. Overlook this woman’s  cheery, lying smile in the clip below. The right term for the plight of womanhood has always been, and will always be, ‘The Curse.’

Why would anybody want to be with you, or be you in the first place? Oh right. Kids. The societal importance and life fulfillment of… Kids. If that were really true, why did all those previous waves of feminism (who can keep up with the numbers anymore?) agree unanimously that the life fulfillment thing is not handled sufficiently by motherhood. After scrapping and scrambling and threatening and finally extorting actual superiority over the patriarchy in terms of law school, medical school, and graduate business school enrollments, why do the reactionaries of all the genders keep pretending that motherhood — when it’s desired, of course — is, or can be, a rewarding, blissful, self-affirming path toward happiness. Or contentment anyway. If you’re that kind.

Except when it isn’t. Can’t we console ourselves with some kind of iconically transcendent woman, an archetype of worldly success under the nose of the patriarchy, millions in personal wealth, a happy marriage, and a blissfully completing experience of motherhood? We can try. Let’s see what the pro-feminist mass media can find to inspire us. How about a true superstar belovèd by all…?

So now, to go along with unromantic anatomical reality, PMS, and VMS, we are compelled to add PPD, which in many cases seems to last every bit as long PMS and VMS put together. If that weren’t the case evidentially speaking, why would school boards have set about locking biological ‘moms’ out of the child-rearing process? Many of them are screwed-up mothers themselves and have learned to rely not on the abomination called woman’s intuition but on the certitudes of modern social and medical science to rid society of all the old definitions of gender. In the new ‘everybody makes up their own reality as long as it doesn’t interfere with the power of the state,’ old-timey mothers have to be put through a tough-love reeducation process that looks a lot like this:

There’s more to this particular story, which you can watch here and here, but this is no isolated incident. Insurrections against the continued demotion of women to second-class or (much) lower status in the new woke culture will not be tolerated. As even some of the dumbest and most suicidal women know:

Hmmm. Lady. I seem to remember Jesus cutting up 
pretty rough with the moneychangers at the Temple.

Forget about the kid thing. Motherhood is not a virtue. Virtue is getting a good job in government and staying out of the way of all the privileged new victims who have superseded you in life’s ongoing race for the goodies, however constituted. Virtue is, by a remarkably perfect full-circle evolution, no longer birthing children but aborting them. As many times as possible, until there’s nobody left, which would be paradise indeed.

Here’s Part II of The New War on Women to see how you don’t really fit into the new scheme  and the one song that can help you see your way clearly through the times ahead. It’s the necessary conclusion to what we started in Part I.


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