MOST WANTED — The E/R Monster
He used to be the most dangerous Trump hater who somehow escaped public notice.
Now he’s come out of the closet to declare open war on President Trump. He has a
partner named Jennifer Rubin. His beard. She’s dumb enough to make him look harmless.
We’ve entered a new phase in The Neverending Story of the leftist mission called DT, short for ‘Destroying Trump.’ The previous phase, which lasted from the escalator ride in 2015 to November 6, 2024, consisted of trying to destroy Trump personally, isolating him from his allies and followers by disgracing him in every way possible, reducing to rubble, legally, financially, and reputationally as a man. His re-election to the presidency put an end to that. He is now, whatever else happens, an epic figure in American history. Love him or hate him, Trump has become the signature face of his time, an era in which Americans had to decide who they were and what kind of nation they wanted to live in. All those who have fought till now to bring him down are only foils in his life story, and it’s all most of them will be remembered for. Why the new phase is about Destroying the Trump legacy by defeating, blocking, and crippling his second administration as President of the United States.
Norm Eisen played a key role, if a nearly invisible one, in a Phase 1. He will play a bigger and possibly pivotal role in Phase 2. What’s at stake? Eisen is the most accurate face we can put on the Nemesis called “The Nothing.”
For ‘Fantasia,’ substitute ‘United States.’ Eisen is the creature
who is trying to “help the Nothing.” It’s really as simple as that.
Why this post consists of two parts, one Above the Fold and one Below the Fold. We’re Above the Fold now. Our purpose is to suggest the means by which Eisen can be defeated, which is by mass participation in the creation of memes by which our fellow Americans can come to see him as the villain he is.
What’s a meme? It’s a running joke triggered by something small and memorable and pesky, like a song you can’t get out of your head. The most pervasive usage of memes has been with us for a very long time. It’s the Democrat ‘Talking Points’ mouthed by every Dem senator, congess(wo)man, and cabinet official in interviews at CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and the other alphabet news networks. These almost always consist of words, either pejorative descriptive terms or wannabe truisms. These are used repeatedly, endlessly, always word for word the same until they become routine in everyday conversations at the water cooler.
Everyone knows the most successful memes. You don’t need any help to identify the persons for whom these memes were developed: “mean tweets,” “convicted felon,” “Orange man,” “word salad,” “Pocahontas,” and “Everybody lies about sex.” Some memes are even reusable through time. Before there was Trump Derangement Syndrome, there was Bush Derangement Syndrome and Reagan Derangement Syndrome; Reagan was actually the first “Orange man,” which became popular after some newspaper wag described the President’s hair color as “prematurely orange.” Since Democrats aren’t too bright or imaginative, they also seek to use single words, or sequences thereof, as memes: “vulgar,” “gross,” “hateful,” “authoritarian,” “delusional,” “racist,” “sexist,” or mantra-like strings of similar adjectives, such as “racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, blah, and blah… Donald Trump.”
The thing is, words and labels and terminology aren’t as effective in the meme business as images. One of the all-time most successful memes is this one:
Easily copied, stripped of its background, and dropped into any (in)appropriate context
There was never much need to talk about Willie Brown or Kamala’s spectacular path to political power:
Picture = 1,000 words
This is why all the meme words and terms and labels didn’t work against Donald Trump. He knew how to use their own memes against them. The mass media desperately wanted the “mug shot heard round the world.” They got it. But Trump got there first:
He wasn’t defeated or shamed. He was mad. People liked that.
So. A meme war against Eisen and his female partner (i.e., beard) at the new “Contrarian” publication. All the reasons you’ll need, as well as all the material you can use against him, are available Below the Fold. A handful of highlights to get you started. He was the legal brains behind the Trump Impeachment trials in the Senate. He has initiated or prosecuted 181 legal suits against Trump personally and politically. He was deeply involved in multiple legal decisions that went against Trump in the stolen election of 2020 in multiple states. He has the ethics and scruples of Jack Smith, whom you know, but he is a better attorney than Smith by far, a BA from Brown and the Harvard law degree Smith doesn’t have (CHYOS again…) One proof of his superiority as a lawfare hitman being that you’ve barely heard of him till now unless you’re an obsessive member of the War Room posse. He understands how to use the press without grabbing headlines he doesn’t need; at Harvard he was also Chairman of the university’s radical lefty newspaper of record, the Crimson. Now, though, we will be hearing more from him. That’s what his partnership with lefty fake-conservative Jennifer Rubin is all about. He will want us to believe that he is a modest man and an honest broker of truth in journalism and the pursuit of Justice for the American Everyman. What he is in reality is a reincarnation of the most feared lawyer of the 20th Century, Roy Cohn, about whom it was rumored that upon news he had taken a case, settlement invariably occurred within 24 hours.
I’m leaving the heavy lifting to the Below the Fold section, but here’s the primer of info you’ll need to pique your interest in learning much more in the way of specifics:
Here are the introductory résumé snippets from Wikipedia:
You’ll note the immigrant status and the Holocaust influence, which
can always be used to justify any actions that fall short of mass murder.
Worst of both worlds, solid blue east coast birthplace, then move to Cali just as all
hell was breaking loose in the Sixties. At WAPO, she was billed as a conservative,
but she jumped on the TDS bandwagon before it even left the stable. Now she’s
a joke, laid off and great cover for rants from another justice-minded “retiree.”
My suspicion is that despite the increased visibility of the Contrarian enterprise, Eisen will continue to behave more like a Stasi operative, a mole doing his dirty work as much as possible in camouflage. Why I’ve prepared a gallery of ways he might be planning to conceal his identity as he goes to conspiratorial meetings hither and yon, always ready to become the sly fugitive hiding in plain sight.
So here’s Norm as he hides right in our faces. Respectable, hip activist,
Cue-bald like men are who finally doff the toupe, metrosex or tranny,
depending on the company or party, and scary drugged-out homeless.
Something else I’ve been looking into. The Rubin partnership. No doubt he’ll be feeding her Talking Points so she can show up on The View and Maddow and other female-intensive propaganda shows. This regimen of inculcating her with something resembling intelligence will require a lot of time. Unquestionably they will age rapidly with the strain experienced by two detestable people who must live and work so closely together.
They’re becoming wrinklies, as I heard someone describe us the other day.
She may wind up losing what little is left of herself in the process, and by the same token, when men and women spend a lot of time together they begin to resemble one another. I have an app that approximates such changes so that we’ll be able to recognize them as fugitives even years down the road. They’ll both look like this person by then:
Your choice about which is who. It’s the lefty ideal, right? No more genders.
That’s all you need for the moment. Back to the meme mission.
The purpose of meme war is to use humor in the battles against one’s enemies. Ridicule is excellent because it reduces fear in those who might be your unofficial allies. Funny is good because it never has to be fair and can cover the outsider’s lack of inside knowledge, anonymous sources, and behind-the-scenes rumor-mongering. Need a rumor? Just make one up and have a punchline that guarantees its status as satire, which is making the same kind of comeback Trump did. What people will get is the implicit characterization that inspired even the absurdest rumor. Eisen’s secret library of ‘Books about Me,” the replica mummy of Thurgood Marshall he keeps in an upstairs bedroom, lacquered and dehumidified by failsafe HVAC systems, just like the à Kremlin monument to Lenin. The inventory of rules postedmin the Contrarian office governing how Jennifer Rubin must address him personally, and when and if she ever can. Roll your own. Look for images that capture the man you imagine him to be.
I’ve barely started on Eisen, but so far I have pursued my suspicion that he is, at base, uncharismatic and incredibly boring. The Clinton- and Obama-appointed judges are getting up there in years, like Norm, and probably need exotic cocktails of drugs and maidservants with hatpins to keep them awake when he is prosecuting his case in court.
One video thus far, employing an actual recording of Eisen expounding on political strategy. I’ve worked on it for more hours than I like to admit, but I still have not really heard a word of it:
I will keep working on the meme challenge. Just wanted to alert others to the need and the possibilities. Whatever you do, don’t forget this monster is a hitman, born and raised. Don’t be surprised if there’s a movie for you to look up below the fold.
Keep going on your own from here…
UPDATE 2/17/25: Revolver News re-ups in the anti-Eisen Army… The Case for Locking Up the Deep State’s Biggest Hatchet Man.
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