Kamala’s Girl Guards Ready to Come Off the Bench


See? Here are a couple of them rallying to her side already. Maria Shriver & Liz Cheney. Protecting her from the kind of stupid male questions no menopausal woman has the patience to deal with. Got her six.

It’s no secret that Kamala Harris has been taking her lumps on the campaign trail of late. Not surprisingly, the men who were supposed to help have done exactly the opposite. Her boss, Big Joe, has thrown her under the bus a couple of times, essentially forcing a loyalty oath on her that ties her hands policywise. Bill Clinton had done likewise, intimating in his disingenuous way that she is responsible for the deaths of innocent women occasioned by her, well, failure to secure the border. Even the God Obama has done more harm than good, pissing off black men by ordering them to vote Democrat like always, even though Kamala is a woman.

Good thing there are so many Girl Guards out there, archetypal females of power who know that the One True Campaign Issue is a woman’s License to Kill. They’re ready to do something if and when there’s something to do besides drop F-Bombs on Trump and every other white cis-male.

The indispensable credential of the Superior Sex.

I should explain that by “Girls” I don’t necessarily mean bright young(ish) things like Taylor Swift, who can still be distracted by a tight young cis-male bum. No, the real troop reserve here is more akin the Golden Girls so many of us remember, generally old enough that Abortion is a cerebral, almost religious concept rather than a personally necessary physical expedient. Which is to say that the Girl Guards tend to be on the mature side, but none of us is as young as we used to be, including Kamala.

She’s an expert on the Abortion issue because she had one once, many
a long year ago, and she’s never been sorry about it for a minute since.

This one’s more than ready to come screaming off the bench if Kamala 
needs her to tell off some Government Fascist holding adoption papers.

Yeah. Forgot that the other issue besides the ‘’License’ is the
Sonofabitch who revoked it in the first place. He needs to be 
aborted PDQ because it’s already 79 yrs late for the rest of us.

She’s there, she’s pumped, she’s some prime beef ready to take Trump down!

See, it’s not true the Girl Guards don’t like men. They like the ones who 
wear glasses, cry sometimes, and know when to say “Yessir.” Understand?

Journalists know things. Especially Girl Guard journalists. They have special 
hormones that send out vibes when cis-males are misbehaving in stinky ways.

Lots of Girl Guards used to be Catholic schoolgirls in plaid skirts. 
Why do you think they stopped believing in God in the first place?

Black men are too stupid to know that the road to happiness is paved with the
government checks written by Democrats. Why they deserve to die by gunfire. 
And that goes double for white men and and every old asshole named Trump.

The Girl Guard who’s been fighting the longest is Major Mika. She’s showing 
signs of Post-Trump-Trauma-Disorder, but she might last a few more weeks.

So true.

How like a nasty old white multi-millionaire. They’re not as young as they used to be either, but they 
can afford to buy hot young chicks to lie to them about that. When a woman starts to look like a worn 
tire, they jump to all kinds of conclusions. Their only saving grace is they can also afford good Scotch.

So don’t anybody be worrying about Kamala. She gwinna be fine. Girl Guides? Bottoms up!


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