Guess I’m the last one who’s fighting back with nunchucks…


You have no idea. This is all an apotheosis for me. The Joke meme has captured me. Like, you know, I know there will be Democrats out there and vociferating about how good Walz did in appropriate ethnic accents.

Defending Kamala was always a loser. Bathos is hell. 

And they think this POS is on their side. They do.

Actually this is called projection. Here’s the real basis of Tim Walz. A banjo-banging would-be wise man who claimed Minnesota children were “above average.”

Keep watching, rolling over to the next vid too. Keillor is a Walz… uh huh.

Older, fatter, meltier…


My very first blog, Gloves Off, contained a spirited defense of the ones we used to call Ladies. All gone now except for the ones still motoring onward with walkers and cute hair with no cosmetic surgery. They were mostly mothers. Not all. I have memories none of you can match — my own mother, Addie and Adelaide, Mildred Conklin, Gwendolyn Fennessy, Emma Jones, Rosa Riggs, Joy Coleman, Sis Hine, Isabel Johnson… The one named Isabel used to own our house before we did. She was a D.O., meaning an osteopath, and she helped my mother after that horrible car accident in 1956, when Katie the Irish Setter went for help and nobody helped. 

Doctor Isabel had an antique shop. She knew about a place up to the right of her house where they had buried the first black naval officer in America. I bought gifts for my mother at her shop. Saved up. Four dollars for one thing one time. I still remember her severe bun, spry frame, and the Jeepster in her way up there driveway. And I forgot all about Gordie. Another great woman. Loved her. From Canada, crumpled face, married to Biff the mystery writer/accountant, members of “The Elder Youth Group” just up the road from the Hine Quarters mansion and across the road from Betsy Allen, the horrific woman with the killer German Shepherds who nearly killed mine.

Yes. I do know about good women. And bad women too.

Page 81 to 100. About great Women. Amazon.

All dead now. No great women anymore. (Except for the NIMH, aka Not In Matriarchal Horde, handled elsewhere.)

Which leaves us with men. Who are all (well, way way most) voting with Trump. Why? 

Hmmmm. Men. The ones who keep everything running. Ladies. You’re pretty sure you’re running things now. With your License to Kill you don’t need us anymore. True? False. 

You need the Bad Boys when the pubescent hormones kick in and your minds stop working. You  ovulate and want to become pregnant and then you want to kill the product of your conjugation. The high moral plateau occupied by the Superior Sex. Is 30 million dead enough? No no no no…

The rest of it is bullshit too. 

The Debate. Got it. Back to real stuff. The Dems are thinking Vance is the wrong guy for VP. What if they’re wrong about that? What if?

You think women don’t watch horror movies. The way they never stay in the truck, hit once with a mortal weapon and immediately drop it, and then ‘Run, run, run’ until they fall down and get their throats slashed and their bodies posed?

Like in Swimming events. And, uh, boxing. BOXING? When did women get so dumb? Years and years and years of movies showing tiny Asian women kicking the ass of big white men. DOES NOT HAPPEN.

So I’m working on a post about the female heroes. Still stockpiling posts they’ve given us who know and fight and live for western civilization, which also happens to include a deference for human life. 

Amazing stuff. That wasn’t a debate. It was a mild, polite, almost friendly execution. Republicans gave it some thought. Don’t chase Walz into the weeds. That would make you look mean. 

Made me think of this…

Cold? Yeah?

Why? Because it’s my favorite movie, that’s why.

Why? You be the judge…

I’m sorry. Belong to the subset of men who can kill. To keep other people alive. When they come for me, as they eventually will, I’ll be a hard one to take. Why? I have absolutely no interest in my interlocutors. They’re fence posts to me.


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