What is Multimedia Writing?


Writing now is about death.

I’ve said elsewhere, despite millions of words of actual writing, that all writing is fiction. Proven it by putting myself on the line. 

How do you prove it though? By putting up posts that aren’t about words? They’re about numbers, images, music, words. I found this set of fellows who were not like anyone but their connection to me…

What we had in common. July 10 birth date. Each of them a kind of father of the field he worked in. Depending on who you read, Pissarro is the father of all modern art, Tesla is more the father of the American Industrial Revolution than Edison and possibly more important than a testy Einstein regarding the greatest mind in physics. Proust is the writer who made writing about your own life the best replacement for writing about the meaning of life in the 20th century. He did it all from the couch, including all the testicular giants like Hemingway, Mailer, Heller, and Roth. (I could have written “Goodbye Columbus” in my sleep from the opposing WASP perspective. Lived it. Didn’t write it. The NYT didn’t like me…) Orff was the voice of Satan Rising. Even if that was never his intent.

Fours and fives. I’m the one who unearthed that important combination. The suits of the Tarot deck, which I renamed Words, Images, Numbers, and Voices, plus the Arcana, which is Consciousness. That’s Multimedia Writing. 

See, you can do it without writing a lot of words.

What I’ve also been doing, for years.

Nobody does what I do. Abortion? Two different angles of perspective… Because I am as literate as I am numerate. You? There was a piece of writing. And then there was a statistical case.

Except, you see, the Multimedia Writer doesn’t need to hang his hat on any one of the suits of the Tarot.

I rely on other parts of the universe… See here… but it’s all Writing, a process of collecting, finding, presenting without much in the way of taking credit for, a kind of narrative readers can sign onto.

Here’s what I do, above and beyond writing better than  anyone else…


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