Only the willfully blind never saw it…

 [This is a post that was published on the date below shortly after Obama’s inauguration. My suspicions are now being confirmed by former Obama classmate at Columbia University, Wayne Allyn Root. I had no inside sources to guide me toward the conclusions here, just my  intuition and powers of observation. I always thought it was easy to see that he was, in the current argot, an American in Name Only. I have suggested on FB throughout the Biden Administration that he was pulling the strings of the worst presidency in American history next to his own. Here is proof of what I thought when I thought it. Not the gay stuff, which I deduced but did not write because there was no proof. Most people can’t or won’t cite the record of what they’ve written in the past. I’ve never deleted anything from my writing history…]

March 9, 2009

Trojan Horse Revisited

I made this graphic for a related post in Oct 2008 and reused it here..

So what's new? Not much. Now we're promising a billion dollars in aid to the Palestinians, nominating a Saudi-sympathizing Israel hater to head the National Intelligence Council, seeking talks with Iran while they test missiles capable of striking Israel, improving relations with Castro's Cuba, declaring our openness to talks with "moderate" elements of the Taliban, making nice with the International Criminal Court that would like to try U.S. soldiers for war crimes, and planning to put the U.S. population in thrall to a cap-and-trade carbon tax -- based on the ludicrous lefty hoax of global warming -- that will hit up even the poorest Americans for as much as $700 a year. All that's in addition to the tidal wave of leftist policy already signed into law or proposed in congress and to the peculiar, seemingly deliberate insult delivered last week to the United Kingdom. Not to mention the president's almost casual dismissal of the 20 percent decline in value of the U.S. stock market since he took office. He compared it to a political tracking poll, though most polls don't swallow trillions of dollars in individual net worth. What's up with all that?

Some people now seem to be coming reluctantly to the conclusion that Obama has no plans to govern from the center. Others are beginning to ask if he secretly wants the U.S. to fail. I'd have more to say now if this site hadn't already said it in detail before Obama ever took the oath of office. But it occurs to me that maybe some of what was published here back then might be worthwhile for you to read again -- in the context of what's been happening in the first two months of the Obamessiah's administration. Maybe it won't seem so much like wild speculations from a jaundiced partisan. Maybe it will seem more, well, educational.

Here are [excerpts from] some InstaPunk posts past on the subject of what the American people should expect from Obama and the Democrat congress, each of them accompanied by a representative quote. The boldface is added. (Read the Comments sections too. We were accused of being insane. Still think so?)

Trojan Horse 10/13/08 [The link begins with this post; it includes the rest of that week as well…]

Barack Obama was raised by a Marxist mother as a mixed-race, stateless anomaly, in an isolated colonial acquisition of the United States, sent abroad for education in Third-World nations that had themselves experienced the brunt of European colonialism, and then released for a power elite education into exclusively urban locales within the continental United States. He knows nothing of life in the 48 states that don't contain one of the four most populous cities and precious little of life outside those cities. His major acts as an independent adult were to form alliances with a racist black nationalist preacher tied to Louis Ferrakhan, join the inveterately corrupt Chicago Democratic political machine, intimidate his electoral opponents into quitting the race before election day, and ally himself with a radical sixties political terrorist for the purpose of funnelling money to 1) educational programs designed to radicalize minority students and 2) a renegade national organization in the business of promoting minority voter fraud and minority access to fraudulent mortgage contracts. This is not a trans-racial second-term Lincoln stand-in. It is far and away the most left-wing political personage who has ever been nominated by a major party to run for the presidency of the United States.

President Zero 11/4/08

I have no intention of being gracious about this. I'd like to say I never thought I'd see the day we'd elect a president of the United States who hates the United States, but the truth is I've been fighting against this day for 35 years. I always knew this day could come. I just hoped it wouldn't.

Shazam 11/6/08

We are being fed a bland assumption, based on absolutely nothing, that the years must have mellowed him and if he now speaks like a moderate, he must in fact be a moderate... Why must he be? Can anyone point me to the third volume in his autobiographical trilogy that recounts his intellectual repudiation of marxist radicalism in favor of moderation? I don't think you can. This tireless writer hasn't written that book because the transformation everyone wants so much to believe in never occurred. Remember that he never repudiated Wright until political expediency absolutely required it. In sounding like a moderate, he is only following the instructions in Alinski's manual, saying whatever it takes to get inside the power structure you wish to subvert...  don't doubt that he's a marxist because there's no evidence he's ever been anything but. And there's abundant evidence that there's nothing he professes to believe in public that he won't change, retract, or reverse himself on at a moment's notice.

A Cautionary Note to the Victors  11/6/08

Do you believe the lie that the government really cares about your health, your healthcare, and your lifespan? Then you don't understand the circle of power at all. Have they outlawed tobacco and cigarette smoking? No. Because then they'd lose the incredibly onerous and regressive taxes they impose on cigarettes. They care about your healthcare only if it enables them to make more businesses -- insurance, hospitals, medical practices, pharmaceutical giants -- dependent on them for profit, permission, existence. That's what it means to be "liberal." Inside the circle, that is.... Your side is dedicated to only one constituency: power. If you don't understand that, you're outside the circle. Any good they do you is the sheerest accident, an unintended consequence of a strategy whose prime purpose is to maintain your pitiful dependence on their breathtakingly humongous lies.

The Gathering Storm  11/13/08

Obama promises to... conclude the American Cold War against the world. He will no longer act hastily and unpredictably. He will put away the big stick. He will be reasonable. And we are buoyed and reaffirmed in our support for him by the fact that the world cheers when we elect him to the presidency. Why are they cheering? Because things will slowly get better in international affairs as the civilized norms of traditional diplomacy are gradually restored to their proper place? Or because there will be a sudden sizeable window of time in which a young, naive, and inexperienced president of the United States will be trying to do too many things at once -- learn the job, staff his administration, resolve an economic crisis, and pursue an extraordinarily ambitious domestic legislative agenda -- leaving the door open for bold moves around the globe he can't possibly respond to effectively?


Terrorists Are People Too 3/4/08

Are any of you out there willing to slip for just a moment behind the curtain? Let's say you happened to meet a man who had spent more than a decade actively plotting the overthrow of the U.S. government and had, in furtherance of that cause, participated in acts that either intended the death of innocents or resulted in the violent deaths of his fellow conspirators. Would you want to go so far as to shake hands with him, smile at him, agree to call each other by first (no, not middle) names, affect even a superficial kind of businesslike bonhomie? Think about it. Upon learning who this man was and what he had done, mightn't you have felt a sick lurch in your stomach and a quick, clear conviction that though God might forgive a man such sins, you simply don't want to, can't bring yourself to, associate with him yourself?

The New Masculinity 3/7/08

If you thought what you've overheard about the Global Warming scare was just the adrenalin rush people who don't care about sports use to get excited about something, you were wrong. They've massed along all our borders, and they're about to hit us from all sides. The scariest part is the women. They think the Obama dude is sexy because he does hours of foreplay from the pulpit and his wife has more balls and attitude than he does. They love him to death.... What you don't understand is that all this talk about hope and change is really their hope that they can change us and everything we care about. They want to make life about being slow and careful and obedient and submissive. They want to take our cars away and replace them with [weeny hybrids]...

Just a Callow Pol 4/18/08

Consider the appalling amount of personal and absolutely vitriolic abuse President George W. Bush has taken in the last seven years. What sort of stampede of condemnation and disdain wouldn't have followed such a juvenile response by the Commander-in-Chief to the equally juvenile assaults he has been required to endure? (Just today, Drudge reports that Mayor Bloomberg is 'excited' about electing an 'adult' president. So maybe GWB should rise to Obama's level and flip one at NYC's incredibly pompous figurehead?) It may be unfortunate for some to think about, but one of the principal responsibilities of the man or woman who occupies the most powerful leadership post in the world is to be a glutton for punishment. They are required to take everyone's meanest, dirtiest, and most vengeful shots without responding in kind. In simpler terms, they have to be real grownups, even more than most of us grownups can manage. What they can't be is little shallow snots who react to a cheap shot or two like a 15-year-old cheerleader who goes all Old Testament on her MySpace page when a BFF steals her boyfriend.

A Voice from the Past  4/23/08

I'll confess right away that I don't share the universal conviction that he's a great orator. To me, he sounds like an imitation preacher. His whole accent changes when he launches into his periodic rhythms of self-aggrandizing gospel. I see an editor of the Harvard Law Review trying to come off as an inspired backwoods evangelist. I keep expecting him to heal someone. Just for the hell of it. I might be more impressed if he didn't turn immediately into a careful attorney at a deposition whenever there's no teleprompter to feed him his lines. But he does. In debates, he reminds me of every lame, verbose prosecutor CourtTV has televised in its now terminated subversion of respect for the legal profession. In short, Obama the inspirational firebrand leaves me cold. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't see it. Even the National Review and the Weekly Standard are larded with praise for such performances. Is there some obligatory correctness about all this that I've missed again? Probably.

The Seventies Are Coming  5/27/08

Yes, we're ramping up for the big throwback. Kids who have always had everything they could possibly want are bound to just love the hell out of being told they're selfish little pigs who need to be punished. (SQUEAL! The new metrosexuality!) I'm not going to try to disabuse them of the joy the return of the Seventies will bring them in that respect. They're probably even too sunk in their bored ADDS stupor to realize just how fatal the new double-nickel speed limit will be to people who have a hard time staying awake despite the simultaneous inputs of iPods, iPhones, and MySpace transactions. That argument will have to wait for the grim new statistics about how many indispensable "Millennial Generation" centers of the universe have been scraped off the nation's roads after falling asleep at the wheel on highways designed for 70 mph cruising.

The Nanny Paradox  2/1/08

When we tell them to care for everyone, we become conscripts. They get to tell us how to put the least strain on the system. We grant them the right to lay down the law about what we can eat, smoke, drink, breathe, drive, and even how we can fornicate. (No condom, no care for STDs?) Will there still be separation of church and state when health has become the secular religion?... Is there any theoretical limit when that occurs? If your right to life depends on avoiding behaviors deemed bad by the state, what will you do when the beneficent health czars decide not to treat the very people whose behaviors are most likely to result in specific care needs? People who listen to loud music aren't entitled to hearing aids. People with more than "n" speeding tickets aren't entitled to emergency care after an automobile accident. People who read too much or spend too many hours at their computers aren't entitled to ophthalmic services. People with too many prescription medications in their health care histories aren't entitled to expensive diagnostic services when their bodies finally crash. People who get cancer aren't entitled to treatment because holistic studies show either that your genetics or your "negative" lifestyle choices make you undeserving.

It's all pretty simple really. The Democrats look down on you and despise their own nation. And if you're a white American (or of British or northern European descent, or a Jew), Obama hates you. We are all going to be punished. A lot. Our president is glad the stock market is tanking. What wealth survives will be funnelled to his adopted race under the guise of social justice. That's pretty much all the analysis we need. What's left is what we choose to do about it.

P.S. For those of you with a handgun aimed at your temples, here's a crucial reminder.

P.P.S. Still worrying about the depressed. Apparently, the left is facing new challenges with Obama's presidency, too. Including Markos Moulitsas (2) and Jane Hamsher (NSFW, like from here). Uh, they can suck eggs for all we care. Sorry. No sympathy here. We hope they choke on their own history of spew.

posted at   1:59 pm  by  InstaPunk    


All the posts referenced above as subheads are accessible via their dates at Each will be one of a week’s worth of posts that provide additional context for Obama’s political career.

ALSO: See comprehensive post about my other writings on the subject of Barack Obama.


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