Michael Rapaport — Two Kinds of Tough Guy


Michael Rapaport. The TV Consort of Amy Schumer. Yecch.

Guess he’s supposed to be a star. Seen him in a couple things, and he always makes me feel… well, more about that later.

He’s been making some noise lately about the Roe decision, because he’s this highly educated… uh, no he he isn’t.

WIKI Says: 

<<Rapaport was born in New York City, the son of June Brody, a New York radio personality, and David Rapaport, a radio executive who was the general manager of the All-Disco format at New York radio station WKTU Disco 92. He has a brother named Eric Rapaport[4][5] and an older half-sister named Claudia Lonow (née Rapaport) via his father's prior marriage. After his parents divorced, Rapaport's mother married comic Mark Lonow, who owned The Improv with Budd Friedman.

Rapaport grew up on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, near 70th Street and York Avenue. He is Ashkenazi Jewish; his family is originally from Poland and Russia

Rapaport had a hard time in school. He attended Erasmus Hall High School in the 1980s but was expelled, although he went back and graduated from Martin Luther King High School in New York City.>>

He always plays tough. He’s doing it now. I think he sees himself as some kind of Homey, heavily influenced by urban black culture, and has no idea that he’s not pulling off the Eminem thing.

The only reason I can think of why he feels entitled to mock and belittle and condescend to Clarence Thomas, which he did.

Via Breitbart from Twitter: 

<<In an unhinged, expletive-filled video posted to his official Twitter account, Michael Rapaport let his imagination to run wild, conjuring up a hypothetical scenario involving Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill.

Actor Michael Rapaport went on to call Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas a “cocksucker” following the high court’s ruling on abortion that overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday. The actor also called Thomas a “creepy kook” and a “handsy, good-for-nothing sexual harassing motherfucker.

“I know your breath smells like old coffee, newspaper, and stale band-aids, you creepy kook, you,” Rapaport concluded.>>

What a jerk. This street trash talk, straight out of some rapper’s practiced act. Ironically, though, when he turns his attention to another set of people better than he’s not a rapper anymore. He’s a bully, parading his fancied physical superiority over them as if he knows exactly how much stronger than women men are, and they should damn well figure it out themselves and go stand behind the yellow line marked Roe.

Via Breitbart from Twitter:

<< Hulu’s Life & Beth star Michael Rapaport reacted to the U.S. Supreme Court overruling Roe v. Wade on Friday, proclaiming that Christian women and girls who get raped will “regret” the ruling. “You’ll learn,” the actor declared. “You reap what you sew, you sick fucks.”

“All these sick, fake evangelists and right-wing cooks, pro-life freaks, dudes that are excited about what happened with Roe v. Wade act like they don’t get women pregnant on accident, like they don’t break condoms on one night stands. You’ll regret it,” Rapaport said.>>

They break condoms on their one-night stands because Michael Rapaport has slept with a thousand of them and they all do it. Like any;of the women he’s talking to would ever sleep with a lowlife scumbag like him.

But he sees himself as a tough guy. Personally, I see him this way, the way he deserves to be, er, re-landscaped after opening his filthy mouth one too many times. Why in particular? Because he is exactly the kind of guy (like Sean Penn) who instantly makes you want to punch him in the face on first meeting, that’s why.


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