Eddie has settled in.

Long time since I reported on our newest addition, Eddie. Not that he’s been escaping our attention, but I’ve been distracted — oh mild word! — by the death of my indispensable iPad with its 300 Word files and 11,000 images, as well as political goings on and right wing media betrayals that arouse all my deepest ire. Plus ongoing shenanigans of our other new arrivals Tommy and Zippy… Sorry. I haven’t even had time to order the dutifully necessary warning sign that our vulnerable-looking country property is protected not by guns but by a force not even thugs want reckon with.

That first night, he didn’t like the sound of wind in the trees and we saw this face:

But we said “Settle,” and he did. Like a lamb. Unlike the Papillon and the Border Terrier. Who are, well, not lambs… but more about them later.

What became clear early was that we were not fooling ourselves about the deep resemblance between Dobermans and Greyhounds despite the glaring superficial differences. One wearing a handsome uniform most of the time and the other just limpidly lovely. For example, Eddie “roaches” just like a grey (see top pic). Like the greys he is not ostentatiously affectionate. He, like they, is simply accepting of our routines and thankful for couches, snuggle toys, and gentle gestures of approval.

Truthfully, he hasn’t done much to draw attention to himself. He seems to have detected the absent sighthounds and the places they chose to relax and sleep. He is absorbed into a family pack that long predates him but which he already knows intimately. He ignores the little ones, cats and dogs both. And they, as they did with the greys, seem to regard him as some kind of presence they can live with, and even sleep with (Tommy) without being tempted to annoy.

All is well with Eddie.


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