The Treason Layer of Elite Rulers of the United State

The CHYOS Club 
(Pronounced kīos, abbreviated ‘kos, meaning MR)

American Illuminati?

We’ve all heard the legends of secret societies. The Renaissance story of the ‘Illuminati’ who rule the world as gray eminences behind the scenes is a legend unsupported by facts or, at any rate, evidence. We also know of outright hoaxes widely believed in, like the Priory of Sion made famous by admittedly fictitious Dan Brown novels and movies. But we also know that there are secret societies at every level of elite life. Who hasn’t heard dark whispers of Yale’s Skull & Bones, numbering the Bushes and John Kerry as members? At the international level, the Freemasons are a proven fact, even if their Illuminati-like influence is only widely believed in the UK, with its historical paranoia about Scotland, where freemasonry re-emerges as a follow-on to the Knights Templar. Great fun, mostly. Who doesn’t thrill to news about Bill schmoozing in the dark at the Bilderberger Group? Conspiracy? All this crap is crap. Right?

Yet there’s overwhelming evidence — historical, personal, even architectural in reality — that Freemasonry played a major role in the founding of the United States. We think of masons today as funny old men wearing fezzes at all-star football games and swords in private meetings. Truth?

With its explicit Christian underpinnings, Washington and a majority of the other founding fathers made the United States the model of the first truly non-monarchist Christian government in history, which is the proof of American exceptionalism. Their values were beautifully simple: God, country, personal liberty, individual responsibility, and trust in the power of people more than in the hungry powers of government.

But. Since the dawn of the 20th century, there have been atheists at work seeking to undo the legacy of the founders. Now, finally, they are winning. What are they winning? Everything. Look below for the authors of treason in the current cursèd century. They are more open than before about their power-grabbing intentions and proclaim them frequently in public while devising disgraceful tactics to achieve their darker ends in private. Not with hoods or hats or secret handshakes. Mostly on Long Island weekends and in DC parties. They hate the country, they despise The Bill of Rights, they detest Christianity, they loathe the firearms they don’t personally control, they are smarter than we are, and all they really want is to be in charge of everyone else in every particular, though becoming immensely wealthy doesn’t hurt either. They also don’t mind monarchical — ask Obama and Hillary — which sure beats screwing around with the nasty business of fixing elections. (They mostly prefer Britain’s House of Lords model.) And no more elections makes it easier to simply imprison your political opponents without interference by the courts. Here’s how we got to the present state of catastrophe.

We let women become the legally superior sex. Them and the no-balls kīos crowd did the rest. End of Civilization. Sorry, folks. All she wrote. You want to know more about who’s in charge now and how they got there, see below.

‘Top 50’ CHYOS Club Approved Members (21st Century only)

In alphabetical order, not ranked:

Xavier Becerra (S1, S2), HHS Secretary under FJB, famous for being pretty much invisible about COVID issues
Hunter Biden (Y2), son of Biden, owner of the “Laptop from Hell” and keys to Penn-Biden ofc and DE home
Antony Blinken (H1, C2), Secretary of State under FJB, disloyal and unaccountable to his nation
Alvin Bragg, pro-tem member, (H1, H2), Soros-backed Manhattan DA who created a crime to charge Trump with
Stephen Breyer (S1, O2, H2), SCOTUS justice, reliably unbeholden to the Constitution as written
George W. Bush (Y1), Former POTUS, lizardy “compassionate conservative,” now wholly joined w/Clintons
Pete Buttigieg (H1, O2), From mayor of South Bend to absentee Trans Secretary, gun grabber/climate nut
Ruth Bader-Ginsberg (C2), SCOTUS justice, advocate of using foreign precedents to rewrite Constitution
Bill Clinton (Y2, O1), Former POTUS, leader not of policy but of sabotaging the meaning and rule of law
Chelsea Clinton (S1, O2, C1), The Clinton Heiress, armed with glossy credentials and no accomplishments
Hillary Clinton (Y2), The Beast, the Antichrist, the Destroyer, the apotheosis of blind CHYOS ambition
Ronan Farrow (Y1, O2), Celebrity Child, MSNBC host/analyst, exemplar of Dem nepotism in action
Dianne Feinstein (S1), Senator from CA, poster child for using political power to make $100M fortunes
Merrick Garland (H1, H2), Attorney General under FJB, backing war against Trump and flyover parents
Al Gore (H1), Former VP, Global Warming psycho, and pioneer in destroying POTUS election integrity
Neil Gorsuch (C1, H2, O2), SCOTUS justice, umpteenth dubious conservative who fails when it counts
Amy Gutmann (H1, H2), Pres. Emeritus of U. Penn, Amb. Germany, organized CCP funding for Biden at Penn
Eric Holder (C1, C2), Attorney General under “O”, pioneered racialism as a replacement for Civil Rights law
Beryl Howell (C2), Obama-appointee Special Master of Mar a Lago Raid who terminated Trump’s due process rights
Ur Jaddou (S1), Direct of ICE in DHS, famous for doing nothing whatever to halt the illegals invasion under FJB
Alex McGill Johnson (Y1), President of the Planned Parenthood organization founded by eugenicist Margaret Sanger
Elena Kagan (Y2), SCOTUS justice selected to bulk up the hard-left Ginsberg wing of the Court
Tim Kaine (H2), Hillary’s VP candidate, as obedient, emasculated, and left wing as you’d expect from a pawn
Brett Kavanaugh (Y1, Y2), SCOTUS justice, umpteenth+1 dubious conservative who fails when it counts
John Kerry (Y1), Former POTUS candidate and reliably anti-American Secretary of State under “O”
Ron Klain (H2), The Acting Unelected President of the United State in the absence of a compos mentis POTUS
Bill Kristol, (H1++), Former journalist, son of neocon founder Irving Kristol, now a full time Trump hater
Loretta Lynch (H1, H2), Attorney General under “O”, made a deal w/Bill on a private airstrip to save Hillary
Rachel Maddow (S1, O1), MSNBC host, a reliable truth barometer, truth being the opposite of what she says
Rupert Murdoch (O1), monopolist newspaper publisher, media mogul who called Arizona early for FNC in 2020.
Jerrold Nadler (C1), Member of the House (NY), accomplishment-free except for full-time Trump hating
Barack Obama (C1, H2), Former POTUS, famous for destroying health insurance and reigniting racial hostilities
Michelle Obama (H2), Wife of “O”, famous for running up WH credit card balances w/foreign family junkets
Beto O’Rourke (C1), Comedy relief candidate for the Dem POTUS nomination in ‘16, gun grabber/climate nut
Joy Reid (H1), MSNBC host in charge of continuous attacks on Trump and all other white people in U.S.
John Roberts (H1, H2), SCOTUS Chief Justice, dubious conservative who reliably fails when it counts
Mitt Romney (H2), Former GOP POTUS candidate who lost because he has no balls and now hates GOP and Trumpers
Adam Schiff (S1, H2), Member of the House, CA, leading Trump hater and legendary liar in the ongoing witch hunts
Chuck Schumer (H1, H2), Majority Leader of the Senate, NY, famous for being a camera hog and Pelosi’s lapdog
Jack Smith (H1), Special Prosecutor appointed by Merrick Garland to take down Trump
Sonia Sotomayor (Y1) SCOTUS justice, see Elena Kagan above (nobody can tell them apart anyway)
David Souter (H1, H2), Ret. SCOTUS justice, first “stealth” nominee turned lefty after the Dem hit on Bork killed Advise & Consent
George Stephanopoulos (C1, O2), ABC newsman, pioneer of becoming “objective” reporter after partisan political career
[X]Lawrence Summers (H1), Former Harvard President, longtime lib, fired for seeing sex differences in math/science
Chris Wallace (H1), FOX News host, son of Mike Wallace, who became his father, a lying phony lefty newsman
[X]Elizabeth Warren (H2*), U.S. Senator, MA, and former Dem POTUS candidate who pretended to be an Apache
Andrew Weissman (C2) DOJ attack lawyer heavily complicit in the Illegal Mar-a-Lago raid.
Bob Woodward (Y1), Senile WAPO hack, famous for offing Nixon and trying to do the same to all GOP POTUSes since
George Will (O2), Columnist and Chris Wallace lapdog, whose sneer almost rivals that of FJB in the old days
Christopher Wray (Y1, Y2), Director of the FBI when it began arresting Republicans with leg irons
Janet Yellen (Y2), Biden Secretary of the Treasury and rubber stamp for WH policy on energy & spending

Yeah, these are the people in charge. In charge of the whole United State of America. They learned how to do it by getting just the right kind of elite miseducation in the right schools and social cliques. They believe they are rational, and they are absolutely wrong about that unless they are also nihilists, for whom the most rational basis for decision making is doing whatever you want to fulfill your desires, because when you die you are dead and everyone who believes otherwise is an idiot and a fool. The Truth is whatever you make up to get your way, and your made-up truth will set you free and keep you free.

See, I am going to go back up there and show you who’s SCOTUS and Cabinet and President in the membership. (Just did that.) But it hardly matters. These are 50+++ people in charge of what we think, and do, and who Rasmussen thinks count. (Rasmussen! Conservative! Uh yeah?) And oh yeah. Summers and Warren have X’s by their names because they were expelled by the club. Summers for intellectual sexism and Warren, not for lying about being Native American, but for not actually going to Harvard, only faking her way into a professorship there. She broke the cardinal rule: Don’t get caught.


Why just these guys? Where’s the rest of the Ivy League? And the almost equally revered Seven Sisters? It’s such a fun story to tell. Here’s a fair attempt at explanation, leaving out the role of Oxford, which is huge and not finished here but later, in a future post.

Part of their dominating edge? Vassar, Smith, and Wellesley don’t have swimming teams

Eight Ivies. Seven Sisters. Sexist advantage-alism? No. Really should be Eight Sisters. Rutgers screwed everything up by refusing to join the Ivy League when asked because who wants to belong to a club Princeton is part of? (How Cornell sneaked in…) All right. Backing up. The Seven Sisters are Vassar, Smith, and Wellesley (think Harvard, Yale, and Princeton), Mount Holyoke, Barnard, Bryn Mawr, and Radcliffe. The eighth should have been Rutgers’ Douglass College, which had its own elite female institution in line with Columbia (Barnard), and Harvard (Radcliffe). Still with me here? Cornell had nothing unique to offer in this sweepstakes but an Agriculture School and a Hotel Administration School. Penn? Well, that’s a different story; they’re contributing to the gender wars in their own way.

Hmm. Did I use the word ‘elite’? I did. Do I know what I’m talking about? I do. Let’s see. My sister, my eldest first cousin and her mother, my aunt, all went to Vassar. Also, my Harvard roommate’s mother, if you can believe her penchant for fabulism, roomed with Scott Fitzgerald’s daughter Frances at… Vassar. Briefly visited Wellesley to see the place and the girls. Didn’t like the vibe. I once flew in a private plane to Smith for dinner. I spent a weekend at Mount Holyoke, whose chief claim to fame is that they all write on an underscored line, like so:

 They write with rulers. You try it.  I’ve seen a lot worse than this.

Radcliffe. Of course. Yeah, I can tell you about them. They get Harvard diplomas now, but they are still Radcliffe. When you sit with them in the dining halls, their first question is always the same: “What were your board scores?’ Their permanent assumption being that Harvard is populated by dumb jocks who can’t possibly measure up to the superior sex.

Never had much occasion to visit at Bryn Mawr, though I did see the campus once, without much interest. Saw Columbia too. The Washington Square Arch was nice. Columbia never interested me much either. Too, you know, New York. Lot of attitude at Columbia, not a lot of smarts.

Where were we? Elite. What happened in the Sixties was an accident of history. The Seven Sisters took over, very very late in the day, with catastrophic unintended consequences for black males throughout America.

Rich men endowed these institutions in the late 19th century, lavishly, with the admirable aim that their daughters should not be denied education or be condemned to a life of ignorant, barefoot, and pregnant. They are all beautiful looking schools, with curricula disposed more toward English Lit and Art History than Economics and Political Science, because old prejudices die hard. Without realizing it, the magnanimous dads were in fact subsidizing a female class of CEO wives (secretary > boss > husband) who could control the universe by the simple expedient of being smarter than their hubbies. Hence the deadly Radcliffe interrogations.

I remember… two women both named Adelaide battling each other on the tennis court. Both housewives, both smarter than their husbands. They actually hated each other. All that pent up fury for life spilling over in tennis whites. Mary Adelaide was a Smithy. Addie was a high school graduate who had no use for pretensions and nasty condescension. I’ve seen a lot of tennis matches in my time. This was tennis war. They were mirrors of one another. Both as tall as one another. Both as predatorily fierce as one another. Both married to very successful men who did not appreciate or amuse them. Who won most often? Addie. But I would say that, wouldn’t I, because she was my second mother. They were both beautiful women. Mary Adelaide looked exotic. Addie looked like, and was, the kind of stone-hewn woman who keeps getting better looking with the years. Mary Adelaide’s daughter went to Smith too, and Harvard Business School, and got fat and sad. Addie’s daughters had more ordinary lives, one of whom drove me to the doctor’s office the day an old heart-wormed Irish Setter tried to bite my nose off. So I’m not neutral on this subject. Why am I talking about this? Because these two female titans made me aware of just how much passion, courage, determination, and life resided inside the usually mild manners of (even) affluent women. I admired them both. Just as I admired my own mother, who worked as a translator on the Manhattan Project and contented herself with a life as full-time mom to me and my sister, until dad decreed we would be sent to boarding schools at the age of 13. After which, we were never again close. We were just related. Same family, sadder eyes all round. The way things work in the elite set.

So what happened to change this state of affairs? 

Three things. Birth control pills, which gave women the license to sleep around like men. Marijuana, which gave everyone the delicious realization that breaking the law is both fun and fine. (“Show me some more laws I can break…!”) And Vietnam, which gave everyone permission to hate everything they had ever been taught to hold dear and, you know, you could die if you didn’t bash it all to pieces from bottom to top. And did I mention birth control pills? When Smith, in the form of Gloria Steinem, went into action.

Yeah. I was there. She was a star. All it was ever about. Feminism. She was still sleeping with big black Rafer Johnson. Designed, intended, to piss everyone off. She jettisoned him as soon as she launched ‘Ms. Magazine’. Smith and feminism ascendant. The Seven Sisters shouldered black Affirmative Action out of the way and became the majority of law, medical, and graduate business degrees, a position they hold to this day. Without actually accomplishing ANYTHING. As politicians they clung to established traditions, getting appointed to their dead older husbands’ elected offices and winning the odd seat here and there except in the most liberal states; i.e., NY, CA, and MA. In the private sector they lagged. As lawyers they became prosecutors. For years, every female attorney on cable news channels was billed as a “former federal prosecutor.” What were they after? Not justice. Convictions. They got’em. As doctors they became dermatologists and pathologists and gynecologists and obstetricians. Don’t like life and death decision making. Just-pretend surgeons, very famous on TV but not in the real world OR. As businessmen they were invisible except in sexual harassment lawsuits, where they excelled, mostly in sleeping their way to the glass ceiling of Executive Vice President of Fucking and getting away with it. Tears on command, the way it’s always worked for five thousand years. Lately, things have taken a darker turn, as you can read here.

All in all, not many Seven Sisters grads made it into the CHYOS Club. That’s their misfortune, I suppose, but their problem is not the only problem.

The problem for the nation as a whole is, we have only half the talent we need in law, medicine, and business. And government.

Meanwhile, what was going on with black people? Basically, nothing. The huge influx of women from elite schools, basically halving male enrollment in professional schools, gave the Civil Rights activists little leeway for their own much more modest Affirmative Action needs. They got overlooked, bypassed, hidden behind the door so to speak.

What else? I mentioned the rest of the Ivies. Well, they’ve been overlooked too. Cornell and Penn have law schools but no real connections to the Harvard-Yale power structure. Princeton, Brown, and Dartmouth don’t have law schools at all, so how are they ever going to meet anybody important?

Important is the name of the game. And connections, especially nepotism. And the Machiavellian instincts that seem to come naturally only to a handful of the real elite.

Why they are winning, in fact have already won. The ones below them in the increasingly rigid American caste system have a role to play too, and some opportunity to win now and again, but the bottom line is they are regarded within the Inner Sanctum of CHYOS as “the Lizard People.” Not very nice but true.


The deepest problem of all here is that none of these schools is any damn good anymore. The club formed in the first place, not organized but coalesced as it were, based on traditions of excellence that became legacies handed down to succeeding generations. The excellence is gone. Only the rich or ruthlessly masochistic can afford to attend any of these schools now, which was not true as recently as the Sixties and Seventies. The rise of the New Left and its revolutionaries became a cynically corrosive worm that ate out the guts of every curriculum and major field of study. The only era to which the current one can be compared in the Ivies and Seven Sisters is the Twenties and Thirties, when these schools were unabashedly for the well to do and socially connected. After WWII, there was a period of increasing democratization of admissions, huge increases in endowments that enabled them to provide scholarship assistance to half or more of their student bodies, and there was fierce competition to provide the highest quality, most rigorous educations possible to keep them competitive with each other in a growing nation.

Today, English majors don’t necessarily have to read Shakespeare, history is taught by Marxist Vietnam-era draft dodgers, economics is reduced to a multiple-choice PC guessing game, philosophy has shredded itself into multiple meaning-free specialties, religion as religion is banned in favor of ecumenical atheism wearing different flavors of clerical garb, all the humanities in fact are corrupted by political correctness, invented majors requiring no traditional cultural literacy, and grading standards have accordingly degenerated to near valuelessness in student populations that can’t write, think, or do long division. The SATs are meaningless, so embarrassingly that they are in process of being abandoned. Law students spend exorbitant amounts of their coursework on social justice propaganda, and business schools give only lip service to ethics while they churn out understudies for the Michael Douglas part in Wall Street. Journalism students learn nothing but political agendas to be used as narratives in the ridiculous Save the World and Fuck the Facts mentality that has resulted in the phenomenon of “fake news.”

Despite all of this decline, they are still in charge, expert only at covering their incompetences and their asses. Meetings of the CHYOS Club are unofficial, held in DC salons, a handful of posh Manhattan watering holes, the Hamptons, or on Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard. But now there’s weed, cocaine, and other chemical aids to smooth the rough patches in conversation. F-bombs are allowed, of course, if not de rigueur. Not to mention booze and sexual hijinks of a variety that people couldn’t even have imagined back in the day. Just don’t get caught.

Which brings us finally (down) to Oxford, maybe the worst offender of all, but they require their own post, since this is one university that has almost single-handedly destroyed an entire nation. Because the United Kingdom is now well and truly beyond salvation. Oxford is also the sun source of the poisons that have crossed the pond to transform the other members of the CHYOS Club.

We’ll get to that anon. Got to it, or a strong beginning at least. Called The Oxford Connection.

And a useful view of how CHYOS effects can be seen in recent history. Called Laurence Tribe, One Godfather of the CHYOS Club

More recently, a related piece called Thoughts on Dershowitz

ALSO: Check out my Death of the Republic website. Poke around. It’s closely related to all of the content here.



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